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Autolock Inactive Threads
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In light of the recent and numerous necros, it got me thinking about preventing useless bumps. Is there a way to automatically lock threads that have been inactive for X amount of time? It doesn't have to be a small amount of time; most boards are slow enough that topics often stay on the first page for a month or more, anyways.

Perhaps after 90-180 days if a thread has had no comments, it would automatically lock. There are a few benefits to this: number one, old thread can't be bumped by horny dudes with lewd comments.

The second biggest benefit would be that the thread would be "archived" in a sense. I don't link to old topics because I fear they will be bumped. If the topic were locked, I'd feel more comfortable sharing old forum links. Plus, if an old subject became pregnant again, a new topic could be started and the OP could link to the old one as a reference.
User 14865
No way, that's a terrible idea. I know "Wow, she's hot" bumps are annoying, but we shouldn't close out threads completely just because a few dumbos do it. What if someone has a legitimate contribution to add down the line? Like a girl who got massive gets pregnant again a year after the first pregnancy.
Staff Member
I'm opposed to an outright lock for the reason Pregolover100 cited, however it wouldn't be difficult to append a conditional warning/notification in old threads stating that a thread is > X days old. This warning would discourage new posts "without content" while warning the poster of a warning/suspension -- it could be displayed near the quick reply box and the reply box.

It would be unobtrusive and only show up on old threads. What do you think?
Liked by berriesandcream (Feb 6, 2016), (Feb 5, 2016)
(February 5, 2016, 12:52 am)admin I'm opposed to an outright lock for the reason Pregolover100 cited, however it wouldn't be difficult to append a conditional warning/notification in old threads stating that a thread is > X days old. This warning would discourage new posts "without content" while warning the poster of a warning/suspension -- it could be displayed near the quick reply box and the reply box.

It would be unobtrusive and only show up on old threads. What do you think?
It might have the intended effect if it were noticeable and worded strongly. Then again, I imagine these are the same people that hound women in the YouTube comments section, so I doubt they'd think twice.

That said, I think it would work quite well of the mods follow through (and I think you guys will). My suggestion was a little extreme and did more to punish the general user than it did the few offenders.
I agree with the idea of a warning system, though I have to also agree with smashedpotatos' point "...I imagine these are the same people that hound women in the YouTube comments section, so I doubt they'd think twice". I had suggested the notion of automatic posting holds for new accounts in another thread; another moderator seemed to think it was worth considering, and I also believe that while it doesn't seem like we've had problems with it, it would do well to mitigate automated spam as well.
Since there is a warning system? Can the mods just warn people when they necro? Eventually temp banning them form posting?
I actually like posts being brought back. Sometimes I've forgotten they exist and it's nice to see them again

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