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Experiences With Pregnant Friends
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As a male with an attraction to pregnant women what is your experience, if any, with pregnant friends?

I have had one very close pregnant friend. She was pregnant between July 2008 and March 2009. We were service users at a mental health charity and we also both worked there. She left in June 2008 and I was still there up until 2012. We were of course still very close friends and very much in contact after she left. I used to go round her house and went round her house many times during her pregnancy. Thing is I didn't really get attracted to her as I often thought of her as a cross between a big sister (she was 7 years older than me) and an aunty. I did feel her belly once as once when I was round her house in February 2009 when she was 8 months pregnant she felt her baby turning in her belly and grabbed my hand and put it on her belly so I could feel. She had a baby girl in the March of 2009. Sadly our friendship ended in August 2010 as I fucked our friendship up. Cos I'm an idiot.

Since then other friend who've been pregnant have been friends I only really or mostly talk to on Facebook. A friend who was friends with my sister back when we were all at school in the 1990s had a baby in 2018. And a friend I went to college with in 1999/2000 had a baby in 2015. I've recently become friends with a woman who supports the same local football club as me who I see at the ground on match days and she had a kid in 2022 but I didn't know her and wasn't friends with her when she was pregnant. A shame I wasn't really as she's pretty attractive and I bet she looked great pregnant. She's mentioned about when she was pregnant to me a few times during our conversions on Facebook messenger (things like doing exercises at a physio place during pregnancy etc). 

What are you expeeices with pregnant friends?
Liked by MLR44 (Apr 14, 2024), nunya2013 (Apr 14, 2024)
I don't have any friends who got pregnant but I've got two attractive step sisters who both got pregnant.
I've had some pregnant coworkers that I was close enough with to consider good friends. Two of them got pregnant at the same time and one day early in their pregnancies they were comparing bellies to see who was bigger. I happened to be walking by while they were doing this and they asked for my opinion. This started a friendly rivalry between the two, and every Friday or so I would get to measure both of their bellies. At first it was "haha, you're showing more than I am" but it eventually turned into "haha, my belly is bigger than yours", and they would both eat big lunches before getting measured. Then they both got pregnant at the same time again a couple years later and we repeated the whole spiel. That was a lot of fun.

During one of these pairs of pregnancies an older coworker of mine (she was late 30s, I was late 20s), the one with whom I got along the best, observed all this and wised up to what was going on. We went to lunch one day and she confronted me about it point blank. I tried to play it off but she got a huge grin on her face and called me a fucking liar. I finally admitted to it and asked her not to tell anyone, which she agreed to, but not without teasing the shit out of me about it privately. And then she herself ended up getting pregnant sometime later and spent the next 9 months playfully making my life a living hell. That was a lot of fun too.
Liked by 12 members: pregofucker (Apr 17, 2024), Kotor17 (Apr 16, 2024), Caron (Apr 16, 2024), Noenzero (Apr 15, 2024), PatricksPrivate7 (Apr 15, 2024), bigboy23 (Apr 15, 2024), DrPowers (Apr 15, 2024), NavelKnaver (Apr 14, 2024), nunya2013 (Apr 14, 2024), MLR44 (Apr 14, 2024), ILovePregnantsV2 (Apr 14, 2024), SPL (Apr 14, 2024)
(April 14, 2024, 3:33 pm)doubleintegral I've had some pregnant coworkers that I was close enough with to consider good friends.  Two of them got pregnant at the same time and one day early in their pregnancies they were comparing bellies to see who was bigger.  I happened to be walking by while they were doing this and they asked for my opinion.  This started a friendly rivalry between the two, and every Friday or so I would get to measure both of their bellies.  At first it was "haha, you're showing more than I am" but it eventually turned into "haha, my belly is bigger than yours", and they would both eat big lunches before getting measured.  Then they both got pregnant at the same time again a couple years later and we repeated the whole spiel.  That was a lot of fun.

During one of these pairs of pregnancies an older coworker of mine (she was late 30s, I was late 20s), the one with whom I got along the best, observed all this and wised up to what was going on.  We went to lunch one day and she confronted me about it point blank.  I tried to play it off but she got a huge grin on her face and called me a fucking liar.  I finally admitted to it and asked her not to tell anyone, which she agreed to, but not without teasing the shit out of me about it privately.  And then she herself ended up getting pregnant sometime later and spent the next 9 months playfully making my life a living hell.  That was a lot of fun too.
Very nice.
Liked by nunya2013 (Apr 14, 2024)
I have a female friend who I've known more or less all my life. She is married and we went to dinner (we tend to do a catch up every so often) when she was about 7+ along on child #2. She looked amazing of course but I didnt say a damn thing. Don't want to destroy a friendship of decades because of one moment of sheer stupidity.
Liked by ILovePregnantsV2 (Apr 15, 2024), MLR44 (Apr 15, 2024)
In a short time a few of my friends were pregnant, I couldn't do anything about it but it attracted me, I fought against it but there was no point... all I looked at was their big bellies and fantasized about how their bellies could get much bigger... One of them noticed me and even confronted me about it! I thought she was going to be very angry, but she told me that she liked being looked at like that and that someone was paying attention to her body
Liked by MLR44 (Apr 17, 2024), Caron (Apr 16, 2024), bigboy23 (Apr 16, 2024), ILovePregnantsV2 (Apr 15, 2024)
(April 14, 2024, 3:33 pm)doubleintegral I've had some pregnant coworkers that I was close enough with to consider good friends. Two of them got pregnant at the same time and one day early in their pregnancies they were comparing bellies to see who was bigger. I happened to be walking by while they were doing this and they asked for my opinion. This started a friendly rivalry between the two, and every Friday or so I would get to measure both of their bellies. At first it was "haha, you're showing more than I am" but it eventually turned into "haha, my belly is bigger than yours", and they would both eat big lunches before getting measured. Then they both got pregnant at the same time again a couple years later and we repeated the whole spiel. That was a lot of fun.

During one of these pairs of pregnancies an older coworker of mine (she was late 30s, I was late 20s), the one with whom I got along the best, observed all this and wised up to what was going on. We went to lunch one day and she confronted me about it point blank. I tried to play it off but she got a huge grin on her face and called me a fucking liar. I finally admitted to it and asked her not to tell anyone, which she agreed to, but not without teasing the shit out of me about it privately. And then she herself ended up getting pregnant sometime later and spent the next 9 months playfully making my life a living hell. That was a lot of fun too.

Well that sounds amazing honestly, very jealous! I've had a few people I know (non-family) be pregnant, a coworker or two, one of my mate's girlfriends, but none of them I'd consider a friend really. The only friend I've had been pregnant is the girl in my profile picture who I went to high school with. After school ended we didn't really keep in touch until she got pregnant. I rather shamelessly sent her a message saying we should catch up because it'd been too long around the eight month mark, and she said yes, so went out to dinner with her and her boyfriend and one of my other female friends. It was fun, got to hug her a few times. A couple weeks later (roughly 8 and a half months in) we caught up again at her place, this time with my best mate and girlfriend too and got some more hugs from her and the bump, but also got to rub it a couple of times. She accidentally flashed me more than once bouncing on her yoga ball wearing a black dress which was good as well, and if you're into this got some good preggo burps too. Didn't get time to see her again before she popped though. Got fuckloads of videos and photos to remind me of it though which is always swell.

Hoping some more friends get knocked up soon but not relying on it.
Liked by Caron (Apr 16, 2024), nunya2013 (Apr 15, 2024)
I lived with my married friends for a couple years in a 2 bedroom apartment. During that time they did get pregnant have a baby and a few months after it was born they got a house and I found another apartment. I saw her as only a friend so it was easy not to fetishize the whole situation. She did walk around a lot with just pajama shorts and a sports bra on leaving her belly always exposed and I got to feel it a couple times. There were many times we would all sit on the couch together and watch her bump move around. I also got exposed to all the emotions, hormones and cravings. It kind of prepped me for when my wife got pregnant.
Liked by ILovePregnantsV2 (Apr 15, 2024)
One of the best was a coworker. We were not superclose, but we were friendly and went for a coffee sometimes, or for lunch mostly with others, or we would chat by the coffee machine. Slender, very pretty and sweet looking brunette, mid 30's but looked much younger. I liked her because she was generally quiet and shy, and we got along well. She got pregnant with her second child; first time I noticed was when she stood up from  a nearby table in the canteen, and I could see, poking from under her dress, the lower belly protruding. It was early, but unmistakeable.

After a few days she comes and tells me, pulling on her dress so the belly would be visible. That was already hot. Interestingly, she was nervous, and I wondered before if she had a bit of an office crush on me, as she would often blush when we spoke.

I got to see her, daily, for the whole 9 months. She was beautiful, always well dressed, and while she didn't flaunt her belly, she did not hide it either. She became big, but only the belly. The rest of her body remained slender. There were 2-3 episodes that I remember were hot. Once, she was 5-6 months along, we were talking at the water fountain for a while, and I had to have the whole time her belly right in front of me. She had a salopette-type dress, blue, over a shirt with horizontal stripes. Other times we were having lunch in the canteen, and for some reason seeing a fish on her plate, her eating and swallowing, (she ordered fish most times) and then the bones left on the plate and her stomach with the fish now inside, while she rubbed it, turned me on.

It was nice when she was sitting, because she didn't put on weight so at all times one could literally see the roundess of her stomach sticking out a lot.

The one time that I remember most fondly was when I was  at my pc, but it was off as I was reading some documents. So I could see the room reflected in the screen. In she comes, to talk with the office manager, and I see her silhouette on the screen, for an extended time, with a dress covering a very large, perfectly shaped, 8 month pregnant belly. I did get up an look at her directly on the way to the other room, but for some reason, her reflection onn the screen is one of the things I remember more vividly.

I am not sure if she ever understood I had such attracton for her. Probably not, but in any case, I missed her when she went on maternity leave and then, 2 years later, left for another job.
Liked by MLR44 (Apr 17, 2024), Caron (Apr 16, 2024), infinitegest (Apr 15, 2024)
Short and sweet.

I moved to another country almost two years ago. Shortly after doing so, I ended up admitting to one of my female best friends that I had a pregnancy fetish and that I was extremely attracted to her during both her pregnancies (she went into labor with her first in my living room. That was AWESOME). She ended up admitting that she was about 20 weeks pregnant again and that her boyfriend wasn't appreciating it. She then sent me pics for the rest of the pregnancy (nothing explicit) and enjoyed having me lavish her with praise. We got to talk about how she was growing, kicks, and all that jazz, and she would ask me tons of questions about the fetish because she was genuinely curious. Unfortunately, she went into labor at 35 weeks with that one, which made me sad because she was getting pretty big.

If I had been stateside, I definitely probably would have gotten some other benefits like belly touching, but I was happy to get what I got. It was a magical few months for me. She loves being pregnant, and I love enjoying her when she's pregnant. #4 will likely come some day, too.
Liked by Gpgp6969 (Apr 17, 2024), MLR44 (Apr 17, 2024), Caron (Apr 16, 2024), bigboy23 (Apr 16, 2024), doubleintegral (Apr 15, 2024)

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