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My belly rub stories
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Been lurking in the background for a while but figured i’d share some belly rubs ive had over the years (im in my mid 20’s)

Firstly my partner knows about the kink and is okay with its, and theres been many other little ones and other things that aren’t really worth mentioning.

Partners auntie:
So a couple of years into my relationship with my partner there was a bbq pool day thing at her dads house, and i noticed (being a very observant person and having the fetish) her aunt had a little bit of a belly once in a bikini, but not like fat almost tight and rounded, i asked my partner but nothing had been said at that stage. sure enough a bit later (weeks later) she announced her pregnancy (5th kid), shes a blonde white woman in her 40’s and a fairly skinny build, nothing to really look at when not pregnant, but pregnant she is all belly and wears tight leggings that show off her ass, when she was 25 weeks there was a family lunch at my partners grandparents and she was there, basically what initially started it is i was in the kitchen with the aunt and my partner and starting asking questions about the bump and asked if i could feel, and she said sure almost surprised (must not happen often) and i got up and rubbed her belly a bit while we were standing with the shirt on, then asked if i could lift the shirt and she said sure, another little rub for a bit bare bump. Then the day went on and she was on the couch laying on her side, and i walked over and kneeled down and starting rubbing her belly, ending up getting permission to lift shirt up and rubbed the bare bump for about 15 minutes or so. Rubbing big circles and all over, pushing in parts of the belly to try get the baby to kick, played with her belly button (outie) and rubbed it with my thumb alot, put my ear to the bump, pretty much everything minus kissing the belly, then a bit later same scenario but this time i just went over and lifted the shirt and had another big belly rub session. And a couple quick rubs here and there throughout the day, did not get to feel the baby kick that pregnancy though. Might add the kid is like 5 now and hes rather annoying, much preferred him in his mums belly.

partners cousins girlfriend first pregnancy:
So my partners cousin when he was reasonably young (18-20 dont remember exactly) ended up knocking up his girlfriend at the time that was a couple of years older, the first year i knew her basically she was pregnant, she Is filipino reasonably short skinny build, so when she got pregnant its all bump, basically throughout multiple times of seeing them when she was arround 20ish weeks and starting to show, i pointed to her bump on the topic of something whilst sitting facing her at a table, and she lifted her shirt and i went in for a little rub to feel the belly, and there were plenty of ocassians where i could just go up to her and rub the bump, if she wasnt wearing a dress she would lift her shirt without asking and let me feel/rub to my hearts desire. Me and my partner were at their house when she was towards the end (35-38 weeks, she gets massive towards the end) she was in the kitchen with me and i pointed to something in her hand and laughed and pulled her shirt up and rubbed the belly thinking i was talking about that. after a bit she was sitting on a chair laying back with her shirt up, me and her where trying to get the baby to kick, it did which i got to feel which was awesome. like i said i only sortof was getting to know her so couldnt go to nuts.

Partners cousins girlfriend second pregnancy:
So the filipino girlfriend got pregnant with their second kid months after giving birth to the first, i dont really have anything that sticks out belly rub wise (although im sure there was some) until there was a family get together to celebrate some birthdays at the uncles property that has a pool, so they arrived and at this stage she was about 35 weeks from memory, she was wearing a super tight dress that made her look out of this world, again shes skinny but the bump takes over, and its a tight bump thats perfectly round with no sag or anything. So it was time we all got in the pool, she had a black bikini on that was a size or 2 too small so a little portion of her underboods were showing and it sent me wild, obviously bikini bottoms with a nice tight ass. She looks amazing. We ended up all playing in the pool for a while, we all got out and basically my partner and the cousin went and sat at a table outside and there was this outside bed seat near the pool if that makes sense, the filipino and another girl cousin were sitting upright cross legged still in their bikinis, i came over and layed on my side facing her and then spoke for a bit and was playing with their first kid, then i starting asking if the baby was kicking and just started rubbing the belly. This was incredible, imagine this big perfect tanned round belly in my face with a perfect slightly protruded belly button, without a single stretch mark. I just layed there for probably 15 minutes rubbing every surface of her belly, for most of it there wasn’t even Intention of getting the baby to kick, i think we were both just enjoying the belly rub for a good period. I was playing with her belly button, pushing into the bump all over trying to get the baby to kick (very firm bump), even resting my hand ontop of the bump with my fingers grazing her underboob, incredible. She said it was the only time this pregnancy that someone rubbed or felt the belly so i think she was enjoying it, and to confirm that she said to the cousin (her partner) that she wished he would rub her belly like that and “that it kinda was nice” while pouting, no word of a lie. Ended up going overseas after that and didn’t see her till she popped. Might add that months later she broke down to me and my partner one night and was going on about how none of her family payed much attention to the second pregnancy and that the cousin wanted nothing to do with the bump. so next pregnancy (that they plan on) its game on.

Bus stop girl:
I was driving and saw this big belly in a tight bright green dress, so i pulled over and asked her for directions and got a better look, she was probably late 30’s and I’m guessing also filipino (they seem to have the best bumps to be fair) she was massive and perfectly round, i asked how far along she was, she said “week and a half left”, i then asked if i could feel and she said okay so i rubbed her bump in big circles and she pulled my hand up and said a little higher, so rubbed for maybe 20 seconds all over, it was a very firm perfectly round belly with not much give. Then concentrated on some directions and asked if the baby kicks much and she said “yes always, this is my third baby”, she spoke very subpar english so I’m guessing she got brought over here, married and gets pumped full of babies by her white partner, and i love that. but i could see she was stressed about missing the bus so i moved on.

Business girl:
I was at a previous job and i heard a high pitch voice walk into where the workers were, she was asking for help instead of going to reception. i looked up and my god. I went over to look at the problem with another coworker and this woman was out of this world, probably early 40’s, white with brown hair, super slim build, makeup done, knee high heel boots, tight grey suit jacket (undone) with a tight grey shirt under it exposing that glorious belly with a grey skirt. Basically office attire that was very tight and intentionally showed off all the curves, she was out of this world. medium sized bump but looked amazing on her size frame, ended up helping her with her problem a fair bit and giving her updates. I walked past her at one stage and said some stuff, then asked how many weeks she was and she replied, “weeks?! Im 6 months!” And i asked the gender and asked if i could feel and she said “sure” enthusiastically, arched her back and i got to rub all over her belly for maybe 10 seconds, i was in a visible place and didn’t wanna get seen by coworkers haha, once everything was sorted she was ready to leave and i was helping her, i told her how great she looked and she said something like “i don’t have time to be one of those fat preggos” or something hot like that, completely flirting whilst saying it, she must’ve been onto me with all the attention i was paying her haha, before i could go in for another rub someone from reception came out and that was the end of it.

High vis jumper girl:
I ended up picking up a customer for work, 22 years old and 23 weeks pregnant, blonde slim white build had leggings on with a great ass, very pretty girl and easy to get along with. whilst outside she mentioned she was pregnant after saying she had “pregnant brain” for something that potentially wasn’t an issue but she chose to get picked up, she had a thick high vis jumper on and i couldn’t initially tell and i replied “your pregnant?!” And she said “yeah Hangon i’ll show you” and we both got into the vehicle and she pulled her jumper up and arched her back and i reached over and gave it maybe a 10 second rub, fairly soft and very round. Talked about her pregnancy alot of the trip and she (without me asking) showed me photos of her bump in dresses and such. unfortunately didn’t get another rub as she was in the rush to watch a game when i dropped her off.
Liked by 22 members: dipshirt (Jan 10, 2024), SpyroSubway (Jan 10, 2024), Chairmanlmao69 (Nov 26, 2023), Somedude069 (Aug 28, 2023), Mpreglover69420 (Jul 16, 2023), vestrumtobias (Jul 16, 2023), oBoxx (Jul 7, 2023), Abbegirl (Jun 28, 2023), Wolfboi (Jun 26, 2023), grimlock79 (May 29, 2023), Joetheclone (May 17, 2023), imthedudeman (May 14, 2023), bigboy23 (May 14, 2023), Rj42 (May 12, 2023), ShimmyK (May 12, 2023), Daniblacklist (May 12, 2023), Ewri1972 (May 12, 2023), TheWatchers343 (May 12, 2023), EchidnaTea (May 11, 2023), bellylover04 (May 11, 2023), Chinchil (May 11, 2023), NavelKnaver (May 11, 2023)
Liked by SpyroSubway (Jan 10, 2024)
You have more to share? And the one at the bus stop, if you could have offered her a ride in your car, you should have that way you could continue that great experience!
Belly Button
Thanks for sharing your stories with us... So many experiences for someone only in their mid-twenties, it has to be said. I'm in my late thirties and my total experiences of this nature, unfortunately, stands at zero. 

I'm particularly impressed with the partner's cousins girlfriend second pregnancy and Business Girl encounter. In the case of the latter, I'd have absolutely loved this to have happened with one of my own fellow colleagues - who I've witnessed go through two pregnancies, but no such opportunities ever arisen.
(May 11, 2023, 6:15 pm)BobbyB You have more to share? And the one at the bus stop, if you could have offered her a ride in your car, you should have that way you could continue that great experience!
I mean, nothing worth a full write up. There was another gathering of my partners family and i was saying goodbye to the aunt right before she gave birth at about 38ish weeks, i was hugging her goodbye and lifted up her shirt and gave the bump a quick rub. Had a chinese coworker who was very small and slim, she got huge towards the end, her pants and shirt would seperate and a slither of her belly would be exposed which was nice, she was leaving for maternity leave in a couple of days (was 35/36 weeks from memory) and i was talking to her and reached over and rubbed the top of her belly for maybe 5 seconds. Theres probably others ive forgotten about.
Liked by Chairmanlmao69 (Nov 26, 2023), bellylover04 (Jul 3, 2023)
I had another belly rub today not really sure if its worth the post but why not right haha.

I was pulled over on the side of the road and i saw a very round massive belly coming up in the mirror, she got closer and i didn’t wanna miss the opportunity to feel this glorious baby orb. I got out and started a conversation with her, she was white, late 30’s ,brown hair slim build, black leggings and a thicker brown shirt that hugged her belly perfectly with a little nub poking out in the middle. I quickly said “your bump is adorable” early on and then asked how many weeks she was, she said “39 weeks” and i asked if it was a boy or a girl and she said she didn’t know, i then asked if i could feel and she said “sure” almost like shes used to having her belly rubbed all the time. The ideal bump to rub, perfectly round as you would expect being 39 weeks, poking out belly button and very tight, rubbed the bump while we spoke about something else for 20 odd seconds and then asked where they usually kick and where their feet are and she ran her hand over her bump on where they usually kick, and i rubbed that spot and felt her belly all over for another i’d say 30 seconds. Rubbed big circles ran my hand over her belly button through her shirt and after a bit i said “sorry i just find it really cool” and she dismissed it and then we talked a little longer while i held my hand still in one spot looking for kicks and then i rubbed it for another 10 seconds and we departed ways. Total rub time was probably minute to a minute and a half. 

Sometimes you just gotta ask and be willing to hear no. I still haven’t had the opportunity to rub a bare belly from someone i don’t know, there was an opportunity a few years back once where i was at a supermarket and there was a lovely white girl that looked to be mid 20’s skinny but bit curvy, she was wearing teal leggings that went up to just under her belly button,her ass ridiculous. she had a matching teal top that finished right under her boobs, leaving 2/3rd of her bump exposed. I made small talk about the stuff on the shelf and asked how far along and what gender, i don’t remember what gender but she was 33 weeks and absolutely adorable, while we were talking she was fully focused on the conversation and i can guarantee she would’ve let me stand there for 5 minutes feeling all over that perfect bare belly, but i chickened at the time (not a problem now) and we went seperate ways. Regret it to this day. 
Liked by Chairmanlmao69 (Nov 26, 2023), ShimmyK (Aug 29, 2023), Abbegirl (Jun 28, 2023), MLR44 (Jun 26, 2023), bellylover04 (Jun 26, 2023), Rj42 (Jun 26, 2023), bigboy23 (Jun 26, 2023), Chinchil (Jun 26, 2023)

Had another belly rub today, saw her walking from the train station and started a conversation with her, she was in her early 40’s, skinny short white brunette, very tight blue dress, makeup all done up. I Started talking to her and she was lovely, very nice and happy with a beautiful smile, i told her that her “belly was very cute” and she thanked me, i followed up by asking her how many weeks she was and she said “29 weeks”, i asked the gender and she said she was expecting a boy. I asked if i could feel and she said “sure” happily, Perfectly round, tight firm bump like the others I’ve played with, rubbed all over the bump high and low in big circles before asking “where does he usually hang out” and she replied “nowhere in particular”, i was pushing in on the belly, feeling for kicks and even tried my luck rubbing her popped belly button with my thumb. Lovely interaction and was all smiles until we departed.

Same formula and belly type as my other belly rubs really, i only go for the skinnier women with the tight perfectly round bellies, i don’t see the point in the larger chubby women.

Is anyone actually reading these? I might just hold off on posting until i have another bare belly rub story…
Liked by Chairmanlmao69 (Nov 26, 2023), lexicon (Jul 18, 2023), ShimmyK (Jul 5, 2023), bigboy23 (Jul 4, 2023), Citizen3151 (Jul 3, 2023), bellylover04 (Jul 3, 2023), 321zer0 (Jul 3, 2023)
Yeah, I love your stories. Please continue
Liked by bigbellylover6929 (Jul 3, 2023)
I like reading these stories. You’re able to do something that not a lot of people on here can say they’ve done. I do hope you continue to share your stories.
Liked by dipshirt (Feb 1, 2024), preggolover_69 (Jul 3, 2023)
Couple of new belly rubs

Was sitting at the front of traffic lights and this gorgeous woman walked past me sporting a cute little bump, she was skinny white in her late 20’s/early 30’s with black hair, very cute fringe lovely eyes and a button nose, she wore a very tight lavender blazer type shirt and had some pants on. i pulled over and asked her for directions (my textbook move now apparently), as she started to show me i told her her bump was adorable again standard stuff, ask how many weeks she was and she told me “35 weeks” i asked the gender and she said shes having a girl, i could tell she wasn’t as comfortable as most so i said “my partner is 20 weeks and we have this to look forward to” (a lie) and pointed to the bump, i then asked if i could feel and she said “sure”, as she was showing me where to go i started rubbing her belly, super tight with no give anywhere on the bump, i rubbed big circles and all over for a bit before asking where she kicks and she said “usually the top” so i poked and pushed in on the top for a little and continued rubbing the whole bump even rubbing down under the bump. Unfortunately she had her pants up to under her belly button so it obscured the experience a bit. I asked if i could see the bump and she denied, i said “sorry for asking I’m just excited” and she was all smiles and understanding, it was a bit cold so maybe she just didn’t wanna bear the bump, looked at some more directions said congrats on the baby and we both left.

I drove past a bus stop and saw a mum with a big round bump with her 2 sub 6 year old kids and saw it as an easy target (as bad as that sounds) i pulled over and started a conversation with her, she was a white medium build little bit of roundness to her, basically the point before chubby. She was in her late 20’s wearing a tight black shirt that hugged her bump perfectly and wore a black jacket that was open and black pants, she had dark hair and various piercings (not really my thing) i asked how many weeks she was, she was 33 weeks and didn’t know the gender, asked if i could feel and she said yes and i rubbed her belly all over for maybe 20 seconds (found it interesting that far along she still had an innie) and then asked if i could see the belly early on just caused it seemed like a high chance and she denied. And i ended the convo shortly after.

I also started a conversation with the hottest preggo I’ve seen in a while, she was walking her chihuahua (that would not stop barking the little shit) and was with her mum, i’d say late 20’s skinny with black hair and she was like a hybrid asian/Brazilian she was fucking gorgeous, perfect face and smile. She had a black puffer jacket that finished just under her boobs and had black leggings on that went up to her breasts, so full belly and ass on show. Incredible ass, out of this world legs and her belly was perfectly round and was literally to die for. I told her that her belly was cute and she was very pleased with my comment and smiled and took a step back and thanked me, i asked how many weeks she was and she said “37 weeks” and gave her belly a little pat, i asked to feel and unfortunately she denied, was in a super busy street on a main road anyway so maybe it was for the better haha. But this one hurt.
Liked by Chairmanlmao69 (Nov 26, 2023), Gothamrebirth (Sep 1, 2023), bellylover04 (Jul 10, 2023), ShimmyK (Jul 5, 2023), BeeHive (Jul 5, 2023)

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