Poll: Hot cheerleader or young sexy teacher, next?
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Hot cheerleader - cheer captain
127 38.84%
Hot girlfriend of Samantha’s that had bullied Jason in the past
71 21.71%
Sexy college grad, first year high school teacher at Samantha’s HS ( Jason’s former school)
129 39.45%
Total 327 vote(s) 100%
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Magic pack of Condoms
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Wonderful story! Keep
Liked by B17geek98 (Apr 1, 2022)
Any chance you could update on here as well as Kindle Vella? Can't access it from outside the US
I do, it goes up here first, then Vella
Liked by B17geek98 (Apr 18, 2022)
When is the next chapter coming out?
Liked by B17geek98 (May 17, 2022)
Just wondering where you are at with the next part of this amazing story.
Liked by The_Hydra (Oct 22, 2022)
Chapter 7

Formal Dinner

I watched as Sara stood several steps away from her parents. She rubbed her large baby bump and smiled as soon as she recognized that it was me as I walked closer to her. I then shook her father's and mother's hands and introduced myself, as my parents had ingrained in me since I was small. I did notice some apparent tightness around the eyes of both of her parents as they were not expecting Sara to get with child this young, especially since we were not dating or even better engaged before she had found out she was pregnant or even better had been before trying to conceive. I got this info from a simple spell that I had cast earlier in the day, called Emote.

It provided a surface reading of emotions, especially since the both her father, Jack, and Sophia, her mother, were not mages. I read some of their surface emotions, concerns, and surface thoughts as I shook hands with them. Jack and Sophia put on a poker face as they headed toward the dining room. I grabbed Sara’s hand after I slid my hand up under her maternity dress and rubbed her swollen naked baby bump. And in that moment of nontime, that moment of seeming infinite stillness as I slid my hand into hers, I realized that the emotes spell would not work on her, as it had her parents as she was a mage too. I could feel the untapped sexual magic potential inside her welling up from her being.
I knew then that she would be my official wife to ordinary people regardless of the number of wives I would collect during my long life span.

I could tell that she was not as strong as me. Her well did not seem to be as deep as mine felt. From what I understood from the book, how a mage sense themselves and where they are before depleting their reserves or well of power is how deep their well seems to feel. And how tired they are as the well level goes down before it needs to be replenished by a sex act, as longer sex seems to recharge a mage’s batteries faster than a blowjob. But I could tell from my reading that she had more endurance than I. It would be like a marathon for her as most of my spells are quicker, battle or intelligence gathering. As I could that, the texture of the magic in her well was heaver, and it would last longer than my lighter feeling texture in my well.

One of the first lessons the book taught was to recognize when you are running low on power as it is like blood sugar or starvation, it goes too low, and you pass out from exhaustion or too high, and you risk injuring yourself by cooking your insides. As soon as we touched each other, she and I knew that she was going to be the official face of our family even as her belly swelled and swelled again. Sara socked me pretty hard in the arm she was leaning against when she realized what I had done to her reproduction system due to the spelled condom as we passed info back and forth between this magical link that had formed. Sara leaned towards me after she punched me a couple more times, softer this time, and said,

“Bastard! And what if I did not want a ton of kids? You are fortunate that I do want a lot of kids running around. But if I had not, you would have been up shit creek without a paddle!” she smirked and laughed before continuing, “And unlike you, I do know my heritage. I am the first Cornisha to be a mage in a century, but the potential is always there; it is a matter of genetics, which means our kids will be strong and probably powerful. And it is good for you as old and wealthy as my family is. I am perfect as the “official” and legal wife to show normals as they will not question the number of kids we have if I am always in various stages of pregnancy. Especially since I will age very slowly as you do since the average lifespan for a mage is typically 1000.

Still, some mages made it too older, like Merlin, closer to 3,000 before he died of a massive heart attack after fucking his latest wife as he could not cast the spell to heal himself fast enough before the heart attack made him throw a clot causing him to stroke out. Strokes are one of the harder things for us to heal, especially on ourselves. And man! Merlin was a horny randy old bastard. Remind me later. I have a book to show you about him.” Sara said with a slight laugh as they got to her parent's huge dining table. It looked like it could seat like 30 people!

A wooden and steel monstrosity, right? I heard in my head as I noticed that Sara and I could talk telepathically due to our magical link now. Yep! That’s correct, you’re stuck with me, and most of your wives will be able to do this to some degree but will probably vary in strength or distance. If you are close to one of your wives, they will already be pretty strong distance-wise like we are. Sam, I bet I will be able to do this quickly as she has already given birth and is pregnant again. I heard in my head as I turned and looked at her like a stunned steer.

What?! Don’t give me that look; get used to not having secrets, especially between us. This bond is like we share our thoughts. Think of it like an internal cell phone except without distance being a factor.
The rest of dinner went smoothly with Sara’s parents asking both of us about finances since we had babies coming and the starting of the wedding planning.

Several weeks after the formal dinner, in early September, I knocked on Tristian's parent's front door. Tristian opened the door after several minutes as she had been lying down as her parents had moved her into one of their downstairs bedrooms once her belly had started to grow so large. And talk about large! Tristian was stuffed full with our three babies. Tristian was full term, with our three giant babies taking up the entire inside of her womb. You could see the babies as they kicked and punched inside their momma's very distended womb.

“Baby!” Tristian exclaimed as she darted in and pulled me into a full-body hug, as much of one as she could, given the size of her massive belly. I guesstimated that her belly had to be at least two feet swelling out from under her now huge breasts, so she maybe was 55 inches around now at full term.
“I’m glad to see you. As you can tell, It’s going to be soon. I surprised the doctors that I managed to make it to full term with our triplets. I am ready to have these three out from under my heart so I can see my feet again, which might be a little harder now given how big my titties have gotten from being pregnant!” She said with a smirk as she rubbed her huge belly, which was true. She looked like she had grown from a D cup pre-pregnancy to maybe an H cup. I could see that she had started to lactate as she had demanded to see videos of Sam’s twins and my twins and triplets with Amy and Morgan, she heard one of my and Sam’s twins crying, and her breasts started leaking milk in response.

“Damn it! I’m leaking again!” Tristian said as she slid her arm out of the sleeve of the maternity dress she was wearing and shoved her maternity bra down to pull out her left nursing pad was completely soaked through with milk. I could not help myself. I leaned down and latched on to her exposed thick, fat pregnancy darkened right nipple and started to suck. Tristian moaned, and she cradled my head in her tiny hands as I proceeded to empty a good amount of her milk from one and then her left large breast.

We ended up like our usual, having sex with Tristian on her back, laying on her bed as I pounded her into the mattress, and her cumming again and again. Her breasts bounced heavily on her chest and started squitting milk into the air from her lovemaking. “Oh Fuck! Baby, I’m going to cum again! You’re so fucking big! Eeeh!” she moaned out as she ended with a wail as her orgasm crashed into her again. I finally, after about a little over an hour, came deep inside of Tristian for the third time that day. Tristian moaned and rubbed her large mound that rose like a small mountain from where she lay on her bed. She got up, pushed her upper body up with her elbows, and maneuvered her belly-laden body to use the restroom, and a couple of minutes later, I heard a deafening squeal from the bathroom.
“Jayce! I think it’s time!! My water just broke!” Tristian screamed out, and I jumped up off of the bed, running for the bathroom as I heard her grunt in pretty severe pain.
“Tristian? You okay?” I yelled out as I reached the bathroom, which was maybe halfway down the hallway from her room and one of the guestrooms.
“Nooo! Its hurts! I think the babies are coming faster than normal.” Tristian groaned out as I found her lying against the back of the bathtub, sitting on the tub’s floor with her legs spread wide.

“I am feeling a lot of pressure like I need to push! I need you to look and see how dilated I am or if the head is crowning” Tristian said between pants and the pain from the contractions. I started a timer on my watch to time the time between contractions. I walked over to the bathtub stepping on to several towels that Tristian had pulled down and thrown on the floor to soak up the fluid from where her water broke. I grabbed onto Tristian’s hand as she squeezed down on it. As a contraction hit her again, I glanced at my timer and saw that it had been less than 3 minutes since the last one. Yikes, she is progressing faster than average, I thought to myself as I kissed the top of her head and leaned down to see between her spread legs.

“Ugh! It hurts! Fuck the why did you plant these babes inside me!!” Tristian screamed out through the contraction.
I looked down, and I could tell that she was fully dilated as I could see the head of the first baby had started to crown.
“Tristian, It’s time! The baby’s crowning. I do not know why your labor is going faster than normal, especially since this is your first pregnancy, but it looks like it’s time to push!” I said as I climbed into the other side of Tristian’s huge and deep soaking tub. I grabbed some towels from the shelf above the toilet. Tristian grunted as another contraction hit her. I timed it again, 2 minutes apart now. I could see the head bulging out from her pussy. Tristian grabbed my left hand and squeezed it through her next contraction. I advised her on her breathing and that it looked like it was time to push on this next contraction. Her face screwed up as she bore down when her next contraction hot, and the baby’s head came out. I cradled the baby’s head as Tristian pushed the baby’s shoulders out and the rest of the baby’s body came out with a gush of fluid. I looked over the first baby.

“It’s a girl!” I called out as Tristian’s womb had deflated a bit, but the next contraction hit her again as the second baby had moved down the birth canal to be born. The second baby was around the same size as the first, so this second birthing seemed to go about the same amount of time. The head had crowned, and within several minutes I held our second daughter in my hands. Both girls were healthy and had all their fingers and toes. They were identical twins. The third baby took much longer, as I could tell the baby must be larger than the twins. By this point, Tristian was exhausted by the pushing. So by the time, the third baby’s head has crowned, the paramedics had arrived at Tristian’s house, and they started to assist. Since the third baby was already crowning, the paramedics didn’t want to move her to the hospital. The female paramedic, Jackie, advised that it would be better for her to deliver the third baby here rather than in transit to the hospital since the baby seemed to be coming fast as the other two had. Jake, the other paramedic, checked on Tristian while Jackie was examining our already born twin daughters. Jackie was able to give those two a clean bill of health, and she remarked,
“Perfectly healthy and looks to be pretty significant for their gestational age and especially since they are triplets and all fighting for space inside a small momma. Jackie weighed both girls and advised that they were 8.8 lbs each. I heard an ample grunt and moaning as Tristian squeezed down very hard on to my left hand again as the next contraction hit, and finally, after 2 hours, the third baby’s head came out, and then she struggled to push out the baby’s shoulders as this baby was quite a bit bigger than the twins had been.

“OHH!! It hurts…so bad!!! It burns!” Tristian screamed out as she bore down again and finally the baby’s shoulder, and shortly after, the rest of the body came out of Tristian and was caught by Jake. He cleaned up the third baby and said,

“Well, this one is a huge baby boy,” as Jake weighed him, “10.2 lbs! a huge boy!” Jake wrapped the boy up and handed him to Tristian as I had the twin girls over by me on the bathroom floor in two-wheeled cribs. Jake helped Tristina to deliver the two afterbirths, and they took all of us to the hospital, where the triplets and Tristian could get checked out more thoroughly by the ob-gyn/maternity staff on call. The date of birth of the triplets was September third.

About a week after Tristian gave birth, on September 14, I was out on lunch, and I ran into Kelly O’Connor while I was out to lunch. She was pushing our son in a baby stroller. He was getting pretty big. I did some math in my head and realized that he was 13 months old, just having celebrated his 1st birthday last month. It looked like having the baby had added to Kelly’s figure positively, as she had gotten the baby weight off. Some of that weight had gone to her ass, making it firm, rounder, and fatter, and her tits had grown from a C cup to an easily a DD cup from breastfeeding our baby.
As I walked past her, her arm shot out, and she grabbed the front of my shirt and half drug me into an alley behind the store. Which was very clean and pretty well lit as the access to the customer bathrooms was around the back of the building.

“You!” Kelly said through clenched teeth as she pointed towards our son, “My friend Jacqueline told me last month that my baby’s father is you?! We had lunch together, and she is huge! Like she is nearly double the size I was when I was nine months pregnant with Caleb. She let it slip that her babies’ father was the same as Caleb’s!!” Kelly said as she had let go of my shirt and was jabbing her index finger into my chest.

“Bastaird! You need to take responsibility for your baby, and look what having your baby did to me. It turned me into a short, incredibly busty, curvy MILF! And I am still producing milk even after I have weaned Caleb from breastfeeding months ago! My doctor has it sometimes happens that the milk does not dry up. So I am constantly pumping out this milk!” Kelly said as she had me backed up against the brick wall and had pressed her now curvy body against my upper body and chest while she was trying to hit me with her balled-up fists while telling me all of her troubles since giving birth to our son Caleb.
I kissed the top of her head and said, “I’m sorry that I didn’t track you down sooner, hon. I will ensure that you and baby Caleb are well cared for.”

I had cast Emote onto a solid silver ring that I had bought and used the knowledge that Girimore provided me in chapter 4 on basic spellbinding. I had bound the Emote spell into the ring but doing so came with stipulations. I was limited in who could be affected by the spell, so I had to choose who was affected by the spell. As per the chapter, the more complex I made it, the more power it would take, and the spell formulas for creating the overlapping triggers for multiple spells made my head hurt. The book explained that more advanced spellbinding could take months of careful planning and drawings of the spell forms so that certain spells overlap properly and not interact with each other adversely and cause a wild strike.

I made it simple that with this particular imbued ring, the spell would activate with me and any of my wives or mothers of my children if we were not together. I felt the spell activate with our contact. I could feel how horny and lonely she had been lately. And how constantly horny she was when she was pregnant with Caleb had made her.
I leaned down to her ear, “You have been wanting this again?” as I pushed my jean-covered cock against the thin fabric of her dress, as I dry humped against her ass, my cock slid up and down against the cleft of her ass cheeks. And there was a significant difference between our “first time” and this one, her ass had gotten thick, and each ass-cheek had even more of a more giant but firm and toned bubble-like shape now. Kelly groaned in response, pushing her fat ass back into my groin.

“Admit it. You want to get pregnant again, don’t you? And watch as your belly and tits swell large again while you watch Caleb grow bigger and learn to play, for him to crawl, to start cruising, and then walking while you grow large with another baby brother or sister for him to play with. Watching as you get so wet and need to run to the bathroom to get off, knowing that your station’s viewers are going to see you waddle into work again day after day, reporting the weather patterns and forecasts as your tight abs soften, and your belly swells out of every dress you own again as you did with Caleb?” I said as I rubbed her belly and cupped her now more enormous tits. Her tits and pussy responded faster than her mouth did. I could feel her thick fat nipples grow hard, poking out from underneath her dress and her sports bra from my dirty talking.

“I’m guessing that’s a yes?” I said as I squeezed and pulled on both of her nipples. At the same time, Caleb slept inside his covered stroller, complete dead to the world as I worked his very horny mother into a frenzy and imagined having a sibling or siblings growing inside this Milfy 26-year-old meteorologist. Kelly moaned and then tried to pull my hands down off her tits as she whined, “Don’t! You will make me squirt milk everywhere as my tits are full again!”

I guided her behind the store to where I parked. I carefully unhooked Caleb’s car seat from the stroller as his car seat was one of those new kinds that interlock with various bases like one for a car, and one in a single, double or more configuration for a stroller. Sam, Morgan, and Amy all had them in their vehicles, so I had two in my backseat and an extra in the trunk in case Morgan or now Tristian wanted to take one set of our triplets out for a ride.

I locked Caleb’s seat into the base so he was facing the rear. He cooed and then laughed a bit. I kissed the top of his head and pulled the sun shade back up and over the car seat so Caleb would go back to sleep. I opened the passenger door and hit the button on the side of the seat to adjust the power seats, and the seat moved about 10 inches to its furthest extension back, and I lowered the seat some and climbed in. I then pulled Kelly into the car and onto my lap.

As my cock was straining inside my jeans. I closed the door and hit the key fob in my pants pocket, which turned the car on remotely and then blacked out the windows thanks to a new film that changed opacity when a little bit of current hit it, and then the juice was turned off as it was only needed to change the state of the film, it was either transparent or opaque at the moment, I could change the amount of opacity by changing the voltage that hit the film, but I have to do that via an app. And the windows going full opaque on the outside for anyone trying to look in suited my purposes just fine here. I kissed Kelly, she went stiff for a minute or so, in surprise, I guess but she finally gave into the kiss, and then she got into it.


She decided she needed to have sex as her last couple of dates with various guys had been straight-up disasters! They were way too handsy or seemed stuck in that “former frat boy” mentality that lingers like a miasma from the middle twenties to early thirties for most guys. Most of those guys did not want the baggage that comes with a single mom to a toddler. But Caleb was excellent and was a pretty quiet baby. He rarely cried or screamed. He just seemed content and liked to study things as he was an inquisitive baby. So imagine when she bumped into Caleb’s father per what her friend had told her, Jacqueline, and she was massively pregnant by him too! She met up with him planning on giving him a piece of her mind. About how he had somehow fucked her and ran, leaving her alone and pregnant. But her memory about the actual event was hazy at best.

She groaned as she felt his huge hard cock through his straining jeans. It did not take long for them both to be shucking out of their clothes in the front seat of the car while throwing their clothes into the back beside Caleb's sleeping. It did not take long until she was moaning as Jason’s substantial fucking cock was splitting her open. They were in such a rush to squash their horniness that neither one of them thought about a condom, regular or magical. She started to pump her hips up and down while Jason sucked on her thick nursing nipples as her breasts had increased from a C cup pre-pregnancy to a DD from her milk production but had never decreased in size even after Caleb stopped nursing.
“Jason, don’t suck on them! You are going to make me leak again. After I just pumped this morning….” Kelly started to say and cut off as she shook in orgasm.


I groaned as I sucked Kelly’s thick, fat nipple, which started to squirt her thin and sweet mother’s milk into my mouth as I felt the busty momma shake in orgasm, to which I said, “Oh, that horny are we? That you cum from me just sucking and drinking from your nipples? Naughty milf-slut!” and I spanked Kelly on her exposed right ass-cheek. Kelly mewled as she started to squirt and clench down around my cock, which was still embedded inside her puss. Thanks to all of my dirty talk earlier and Kelly’s tight clenching pussy, I knew I would not last long. Especially in this cramped interior of the car. Kelly lifted and slammed back down onto my hips, burying the entire length of my cock inside her drenched puss. I felt as the tip of my cock smashed against the spongy head of her cervix, and then she squeezed down again. That was it. I loudly groaned as I felt my cum rise from my nuts. I started to cum as Kelly began do Kegels on my cock, which I would find out later she had started doing to tighten her puss and strengthen the floor of her pelvis back up after pushing Caleb out of her puss during birth since he was such a giant baby.

“Oh Fuck, I’m gonna explode!” I groaned out as I tried to pull out. Still, Kelly, who had been getting off on the dirty impregnation talking from earlier, slammed her hips back down, shoving my cock back inside her as I started to unload a huge load directly inside of Kelly’s ready and waiting womb.
Had she thought about it, shoving Jason’s massive cock inside her was a terrible idea, as she was right in the middle of her cycle and was fertile as she had dropped two eggs the previous day, one from each ovary. And both eggs had just entered her womb before she bumped into Jason. So by the end of the date, Kelly would be comfortably pregnant again, with twins this time. Two fraternal twin girls.

Kelly moaned and collapsed against my chest, panting from our intense lovemaking. I helped her get dressed again, and I took her back to her home as she provided directions to a nice if the modest home on the outskirts of town. I walked her up to her door, I leaned in for a kiss, and Kelly instead grabbed me and pulled me inside instead of being careful not to hit Caleb, who was still dead to the world inside his baby carrier, which was sitting on the floor of the foray. I shut the front door again as Kelly attacked me with aggressive kisses. She pulled away for a couple of minutes to pick up Caleb from his baby carrier and laid him into his mobile crib that was on wheels. So Kelly could move the bed from her primary bedroom to the living room or kitchen as needed. I glanced into the living room and saw a smattering of baby toys, like a bounce jumper and some teething toys scattered around closer to a rather large kitchen.

Several minutes later, Kelly came back dressed only in sexy lingerie as she grabbed my shirt and dragged me behind her towards what I was assuming was her primary bedroom, which included a giant king-sized bed.

“Now, where were we? No chance of waking the baby now. He was sleeping in the nursery.” Kelly said as she kissed me again, and our clothes started to fall off again. We ended up fucking like rabbits, I dumped another three loads into Kelly’s fertile womb, so if she had not already been pregnant from the first time, she would have been at the end of that marathon sex session. I left her house the following morning in a bit of a daze. That young woman could fuck! She was a horny and sexually frustrated young woman, but my balls were empty now.

I logged the previous day as a half-day and explained to my mom that I had car trouble, had a flat, and had to wait several hours for a tow truck to come and tow me to a tire shop for a replacement. I did advise that the donut spare tire was flat as well. “I am guessing that I had not checked it recently?” I said with a shrug. In revenge, my mom had me working overtime to run errands for the firm. This is going to be a very long day, I thought to myself. Priya grabbed me just before lunch and dragged me into one of the locking bathrooms. Priya pulled my pants and underwear down and started to suck my cock. Since I got her pregnant, the Twenty-year-old had gotten a cum addiction. She constantly needed a load inside of her, in her pussy, stomach, or a couple of times in her ass. She was only about a month and a half along, but you could already see the start of a baby bump on her. Part of that was because she was having multiples, but we did not know that at the time, and Priya was very skinny in areas other than her chest and round ass.

I rubbed her swelling belly through her dress. She giggled and pulled out an oblong object and thrust it towards me. It took me a second to realize what it was as Priya was handing it to me upside down, and from that angle, it was a featureless white oblong stick of plastic. I took it from her and turned it over, realizing it was a pregnancy test with clear double blue lines indicating pregnancy. I looked back at her to see that she was waiting, expecting a response. “Pregnant? That was fast, sweetie.” I said with a smile

“I’m so excited, Daddy! Like I should not be shocked how fast I got pregnant, as mom and women on her side are very easy to get pregnant.” She said, jumping up inside the stall a bit before continuing, “Momma said that guys looking at girls in her family seemed to be enough to get them pregnant. Momma’s sister, Aunt Vesha, has had 12 kids and is currently pregnant again. My uncle is a horny goat and keeps knocking her up repeatedly. Kind of like I hope you do with me? Ever since you made me dumb, you freed me from uh..a lot of the stupid stress and the stupid thingies that had me worried before. So I want to have a bunch of your kids as a thank you, I did not know that I was craving to have a baby or family. Even if you can not marry me, that’s okay. I can be your bimbo broodmare instead! Yay!” She said as she sunk my hard cock into her soaking pussy, and she groaned as she bottomed out, and I felt my cock pressed against her cervix.

Priya shuddered as she came clenching and spasming around my cock, which I had triggered when I had hit her cervix. The poor girl was very multi-orgasmic since her bimbo transformation and impregnation. I glanced at my watch and realized we needed to hurry as lunch was nearly over. I humped and, several minutes later pounded into Priya’s wide ass. She was constantly cumming until I dumped a second load into her puss on top of the load that was in her stomach. The rest of the day was a blur as I did my go-fer punishment work.

I barely ate at dinner as I was dead tired. I crawled into bed and fell asleep. I was awoken in the middle of the night by Sam crawling into the other side of my queen-sized bed. She wanted a cuddle as her pregnant belly was getting huge early. She was almost 18 weeks by this point and was quite a bit larger now with this pregnancy than when she was pregnant with the twins. I cupped Sam’s huge tit through her nightgown as she pressed her round ass against my cock, and we both fell asleep. When I woke up the next day, Sam was gone before I heard Mom yell toward my room to ensure I got ready for work. I listened to the garage door open and then close, and Mom leave.

About twenty minutes later, I heard Sam come back from dropping the twins off after borrowing my larger vehicle as it was easier to put the twins in the bigger backseat. I knocked on her door and when Sam yelled out for me to come in, I entered her room, a domain of lots of the color pink and fuzzy stuffed animals everywhere. I kissed Sam as I worked on pulling off her dress that was already starting to get tight around her swelling midsection. Once unclothed Sam, I preceded to fuck my very pregnant sister into oblivion multiple times as I was working a late half-day today. Later after we were resting on her bed, she rubbed her swollen belly and said, “I am surprised how big I am getting this go around and how fast too. Starting to think your sperm royally mugged my eggs.” She said with a smirk as she continued to rub her distended womb.
Liked by 13 members: Lau_ned (Mar 21, 2023), Derp99 (Jan 3, 2023), Enzyme (Jul 24, 2022), SirWitty01076 (Jul 16, 2022), jokerpaso (Jul 13, 2022), LukaD77 (Jul 13, 2022), Viper9000 (Jul 12, 2022), deux_anges (Jul 12, 2022), Thebige (Jul 12, 2022), B17geek98 (Jul 12, 2022), bellylover48 (Jul 12, 2022), dooditup (Jul 12, 2022), OliviaCohen (Jul 12, 2022)
Hey guys, sorry about the long wait, had a bit of writers’ block on this chapter, and I was working a bunch of mandatory OT the past of couple months. Enjoy.
Liked by B17geek98 (Jan 11, 2023), deux_anges (Jul 12, 2022), dooditup (Jul 12, 2022), OliviaCohen (Jul 12, 2022)
You should post a sort of resume of who all the girls are. I forget some of them and can't figure out when were they introduce. So like how they met Jason and in which chapter we first heard of them
Liked by vijayamallory (Jul 28, 2022)
per request, here is my notes for the girls in the story so far

list of Jason's conquests and impregnated girls so far

1 Samantha - Jason’s ( MC) - 18 year old spoiled and bratty cheerleading sister, former gymnast before her tits grew huge at the end of middle school and she had to quit. Large 36DD cups. Pregnant with twins ( G / B - 9 pounds at birth) conception 6/2
Birth: march 16

2nd pregnancy (g/g/g/b)
Conception may 16
Birth feb 27 (41 weeks)

2 Kelly - junior local meteorologist natural redhead, mid twenties, pregnant with a very large baby boy (around 12 lbs at birth)
Conception Nov 7
Birth: August 14 2021

2nd pregnancy
conception Sept 14th 2022
Birth June 14th 2023 ( 39 weeks 1 day)
Twins fraternal girls

3 Tristian - 18 year old senior, bitchy cheerleader rival to Samantha, natural white blonde, 4’11” tall D cup, supposed to be pregnant with twins but had hate sex with Jason at the firm, and got pregnant with triplets, two identical twin girls and a boy.

Conception: 12/1
Chapter 5 - 16 weeks March 23
Birth: 9/1

4 Trina

5 Jacqueline Walsh - 2nd year HS teacher, 24 years old,
Transformed into a catgirl, pregnant with a litter 2 normal boys and 3 female cat girls

Conception Jan 16
Birth nov 13 (43 weeks)

Second pregnancy while 5.5 months pregnant -
conception 6/30
birth April 11

6 Morgan 18 year old neighbor, 4’10

Pregnant with triplets (b,b,g)
Conception 1/15
Birth (oct 3 normal pregnancy) sped up birth date is June 3

7 Amy - Morgan’s single mom 34 years old

Pregnant with twins (b,g)
Conception: 1/15
Birth (oct 3 normal pregnancy) sped up birth date is June 3

8 Sara Cornisha 19 busty redhead friend of MC ex gf.
All of her eggs impregnated by Jason.
Official wife

1st pregnancy twins b,b
Conception March 26
Birth dec 25

2nd pregnancy singleton g
Conception 1/10
Birth oct 31.

9. Priya - former queen bee h/s
Mixed - dad white and mom indian
Conception August 2
Birth - may 9th
triplets - two identical twin girls, very large baby boy 13 lbs, she struggles to birth.
Liked by DaveTheMan (Apr 4, 2024), TheWatchers343 (Aug 15, 2022)
Can’t wait for the next chapter!

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