Erika's Job: A Birth Story
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I realized it was kinda lame of me to post a snippit here and a link to my DA, especially to the members who don't have/don't want to use a different site to access a story. Instead, I'll just link it right here and be very grateful for those who would be willing to favorite and comment on DA.

I hope you all enjoy!
-RPE <3


A prodigal surrogate carrying triplets lucks out when her crush is in town and is willing to pick her up after her scheduled induction. Little does she know they are both about to experience some revelations about their relationship.

Contains: Orgasmic Labor and Birth, Lactation, Sex Acts during Birth (18+) 

“-Erika? You alright?”

My name in his voice snapped back my focus like I emerged from a high speed tunnel. I was lost in the tingling that surrounded my whole body. Most times I was great at ignoring the waves that continually seized my body, but with present company, I found myself a little bit distracted.

“Y-Yeah! Just, spaced out a little bit.” I chuckled nervously. I stroked every ripple of three pairs of  little arms and legs running over my skin under the table, trying my hardest to calm down the storm rampaging in my legs behind my absolutely gargantuan stack of pancakes. 

His deep brown eyes looked to me with concern, having me question exactly how long I was out of focus. He tilted his head as he continued to suck up his strawberry frappe. This beautiful man and his silky deep voice. My belly got in the way of my legs forcing me to feel how I felt, neglected like I had been, going strong for years now. Between prenatal and postpartum, my constantly changing body and lifestyle, the inconsistency never made me especially popular with men.

“I've been losing you every couple of minutes. I don't mind giving you a ride to work a little ea-”

“I'm good!” My voice echoed loudly against the walls of the diner. It felt like I was so absorbed in my food that this outburst was the first time I had eyes on the other patrons. Other patrons' eyes pointed towards me for just one second. 

“I mean, I'm doing fine! ” I wasn't eager for this afternoon to end. For the first time in months, Isa was finally back in town and it seemed like everything was going well! I was in the cutest outfit (that still fit me) for god's sake! Even if my entire wardrobe was reduced to maternity dresses like the black and white stripes I dawned on 

“If you insist.” He chuckled, swirling his beverage in his glass. 

The pains continued…Time… And time… and time again over the course of our date… Er… Little get together. I tried to subtly exhale through my nose with the end of the contraction, my belly returning to normal, relatively, of course. As hard as I wanted to deny it in public, these babies were ready.

A particularly strong contraction made me squirm in my booth, but the pain was interrupted by his voice as he saw me nearly go non-verbal. “You look good.” He teased with a little wink. 

Poof, there went the pain. “H-huh?”

“Like, really good. Your clothes, your hair. I bet it doesn’t feel this way, but you look a lot less tired, too.”

My fingers combed through my long black hair, I twirled my licks around nervously. Maybe there was some contrast from it’s texture now than its texture when we had met at 19. “You mean that?”

He nodded “I have no idea what the fuck ‘glowing’ means when they talk about pregnant ladies, but you’re rocking it really well.” His straw got to the bottom of his shake. “I’m happy this gig is working out. It’s always refreshing to see you, whenever we can meet up.” The waitress came by with the check, she hovered at Isa’s side, as most people did, before he thanked her. 

“Are you sure about covering the bill? I’m getting paid today, you know?”

Isa waved his hand, reaching for his wallet. “Don't worry about it”

We got his card back and he slipped out of his section on the booth, a sense of mobility that was far lost on me. He approached my booth, getting a side profile of my form as y belly hung far past my knees.

“Do you?

“... yeah…”

I held onto his hands for stability as I hoisted up my body from the booth. I huffed a little too loudly  from the effort it took to lift my enormous body .Cringed as I saw the incredibly wide indent I left on the cushions.

I looked around to find scattered sets of eyes across the diner dart towards me and a cold gust grazing the majority of my stomach. My striped sweater had ridden up the side of my full term, triplet filled belly, practically flashing the diner with my midriff that jutted out far enough to hit the face of the man seated right behind me. 

The voices began to from around the diner. “Woah… she's huge.” A woman commented with her partner. A wolf whistle, and a “Damn.” followed as a table of men caught sight of me. Teenage girls at the bar sneered at each other from across the restaurant. “Guh-rossss! Couldn't be me!” 

I rushed to throw on my puffy jacket over my body, but struggled to find the zipper underneath my stomach. Before I could embarrass myself any further his hands, careful and swift helped me conceal the body I grew self conscious towards in public. He offered a forearm.

“C'mon, you can lean on me if you'd like.” He said, supporting the lions weight of my waddles.

“Thanks.” I said once we finally made distance from the restaurant.”

“It sucks you have to deal with that all of the time.” 

“Oh. It’s okay, I’m used to the gawking” That was a lie. If I had any say, I wouldn’t have gone out. But if going out meant I could have spent more time with Isa it was a net positive, no matter what! 

It wasn’t that I was ashamed about my multiple pregnancies. It was that I could never find somebody, anybody in the world who could appreciate the state of my body the way I wanted it to be appreciated. Although he wasn’t that person, his kindness helped. 

“Mmf…” I sighed. My grip tightened around him when we approached his car. I let out deep breaths while I leaned my weight into him, exhaling slowly while the labor pains took a hold over my body. I wouldn’t make it in time if I was traveling on foot. 

He opened the door of his passenger seat for me and helped adjust my seat to accommodate my triplet filled belly away from his dashboard so I could lay comfortably in his car. 

“It's really more than a full time career.”

“It is!”

“You're putting your comfort, your time, your body.”

“My dating life, too!” The silence between us lingered uncomfortably long before he nodded with me. “Exactly!” He slowed as the light ahead turned yellow. He looked conflicted while his turn signal blinked.

“I'm just a little curious, well, I’ve been curious for a while? How do you even find out this is your thing?”

I wasn’t sure if my eyes played tricks on me or if it was the way the red light hit his skin in the middle of the day, but behind the bronze tone of his skin I could almost mistake the color pink on the hue of his cheeks. 

“I-I mean, what do you think?”

Isa shrugged. “My guess couldn’t be anything different than anything else you’ve heard of. Carrying babies for less fortunate parents. It’s really noble, end of the day.” 

“Haha, something like that.” His lips curled. He knew me long enough to know when I was caught in a bad lie. I wasn’t unsure of my answer, but as great as he was I was confident that he, or anybody wouldn’t understand.

“Woah…” He commented, pulling into the little rotary outside of the practice. It was glamorous, a 34 story practice with glass windows. It looked more like a corporate building than a hospital on the outside, while its insides were infinitely more intuitive. 

He opened my door and took my hand to assist me out. And just like that, our date was over. He noticed my moody pout and offered his open arms.

Among all of his stylish layers of his streetwear Isa was really muscular. Around his strong arms he took me into his embrace firmly where I smelled the subtle scene of his cologne. My body grinded into him, and I leaned into him. 

“Good luck, Erika. I hope everything goes well.” He could have squeezed the waters out of me, yet, I let him pull away first. Before getting back to the driver's seat, he stalled.

“Do… you think I can feel?”

Little mini vowels came out of my mouth. For all of the people who showed disgust. “Uh, yeah! Of course!” I lifted my stretchy top over my belly, wondering if I was looking too desperate for his hands on my bare skin. 

His hands ran against my bump carefully from the center of my belly all the way to where it connected to my sides. He felt all of my skin that stretched taut with the growth of three full term residents inside.

“It’s full… But not hard. Like I have a balloon in my hands.” He commented with his hands still on my belly. He looked up at me with a smile that made my heart flutter. “Wow, there's people in here… Three, right?”

I swallowed and nodded. “Yeah. Trauma triplets are what they’re calling them. Mom and dad aren’t exactly small parents.” He raised an eyebrow. “Trauma?” He asked protectively. I couldn’t help but giggle at his worry. “I’ll be fine!” 

His hands lingered on my belly, they felt nice. In contrast to the many unwanted groping hands of strangers he was gentle, reading every message of my skin. With Isa, at the very least, he took the time to knew the woman this burgeoning belly was attached to. That was more than I could ask for since starting this job. People were beginning to stare as he removed his hands slowly. He was so tender, I wanted his hands on me more.

“Well, Text me when you’re ready!” He said.

“You can come with me!” My heart was racing. I felt like a college girl again, risque, asking a boy to escort me to my room. Except instead of an underwhelming hook up I had essentially given Isa an invitation to the front row seat to watch me give birth.

“For real?” He asked, excitement building on his face. I nodded. “For real!” 

After a check into the main lobby and a trip into the glass elevator we took our trip to the top floors of the practice. Since I started my journey of surrogacy it was a slow journey to the upper floors. 

When we got to my private birthing center we checked in with Jenny. My coworker and my friend wore a lot of hats when it came to this job. She was my neonatal nurse, my OB, my doula. A nurse in a low bob and thick circular glasses 

“You’re Isa?” She asked, getting awfully close. “A pleasure to finally meet you. Erika has told me all about you.” She eagerly shook his hand at the entrance. 

“She wasn’t lying, you ARE cute!” 

Jenny, you traitor! 

Isa took her hand and placed one on her shoulder with a cocked head. “I haven’t heard of you, but, thank you for taking care of my friend all this time.”

‘Friend’. A wave of jealousy ramped up to overdrive washed over me with their immediate banter. For god's sake, I was the one giving birth! I was the professional, he should be paying attention to ME. 

“I… I’m getting changed…” I grumbled. I emerged in a hospital gown that couldn’t quite reach my upper thighs from how far my belly jutted from me. 

Jenny's hands guided me to lean over the bar placed onto the side of the room like a ballerina bar.Inside of their room I tried to throw a leg over the recliner. My belly halted me, I blushed thinking about how the gown exposed my pathetically lifted leg. “You’re fine right here.” Jenny announced. She bent me over and lifted the gown over my rounding butt, oddly slowly. Her gloved hands squeaked against the skin of my plush ass before her skinny fingers pushed their way through my insides. 

“Haaaaannnghhh~” I groaned feeling her fingers at the base of my cervix. Isa attempted to look away from Jenny’s examination 

“8 centimeters. Phew, what stalled you, Erika?” She teased, mindful of the man I fancied being present in the room with us. I threw my gown back over my butt with a glare. Isa’s mouth was covered. “8 centimeters, that’s a lot, right?” 

“Active labor, matter of fact.” 

“Erika.” He scolded, his deep voice seemed to rumble within Jenny as well. Those eyes looking down at me was a little turn on as well. “We could’ve gotten you here sooner.” I had to hold back the curling at the corner of my lips. “Y-yeah, you’re so right.” 

Connected to this little examination room was a larger matted room with warm floors and soft surfaces to absorb the shock of moving this gigantic body around. All sorts of elevated surfaces allowed me to lean, pace, and lay down to my heart's content. These floors spared no expenses for my comfort. 

I continued to pace back and forth between contractions, each growing stronger with intensity. With each one, I stopped with my legs slightly parted and my knees slightly bent. My chin pointed directly towards the ceiling to keep my airway open and to focus on the tiles of the ceiling to ground me.

I looked at the window to see Jenny and Isa continue their banter. Though I couldn’t hear what she was saying I could see his laugh. Little mutters under my breath were interrupted by a sharp pain

A little rupture from within my sensitive midsection with warm amniotic fluids spilling from me. Identical siblings coming from the same amniotic sac, fluid continually trickled out of me turning the area between my legs a drenched mess

“It’s… Time.” I announced with my hands falling to my knees. From behind the glass I saw him shift his focus completely as he watched me settle into a squat.

Little revolution of arms and legs within me upset at the decrease of the room inside of my womb. The first baby presented himself towards the side of my hip. I wasn’t sure if it was the added weight of a third infant or Isa observing from the sidelines but I felt every ounce of the head inside me bulging. 

My lips sealed, I hummed softly while my body instinctually lowered itself to the ground. With the waters broken the labor progressed quickly with the moving head transitioning into active labor passed my cervix. 

“Haa… Hoo… Haa… Hooo.” was the extent of the noises I’d let myself make in front of Isa
It had been awhile since I had birthed on my side, but baby A was adamant about this entrance that left me with one leg in the air and the curtains open to my spreading pussy.

My fingers fell between my legs. Stroking my bulging perineum to get a gauge of my progress. I looked up into the walled off room. Jenny had her eyes buried into her clipboard, but the second pair of eyes. His hands were cupped together staring as my sex bulged under the weight of the emerging head.

“Tch, Ow!” I flinched, as my aching chest collided with my resting elbows. My two, heavy breasts were sore from growing full to nourish three children. With this hormonal onslaught that labor inflicted on my body they were beginning to leak. I would’ve loved to give them attention, but less than 5 minutes later my belly seized, demanding all of my attention.

“Fwooooo… Haaaaa… Hooooo… Haaaaa.” My breaths remained controlled while I let the head slowly begin its crown. The round, ridgid head rubbing against my neglected opening. The sensation of being spread open. Pictured all of the little limbs rolling and locking with their siblings in the same amniotic sac, three children inside of my stomach 

An ‘o’ forming with my lips as I blew air, allowing my pussy to accommodate the head of the child. As the contraction reached the peak of its intensity I felt some of my voice leaking out which I quickly hushed with a bite to my knuckle. In general, it was a good sign. When it felt this good I was elastic. But with an audience, there was one caveat.

Before I knew it my body rolled. I let my shoulders relax too much as the sensations rolled through my body. I purred before my body demanded all of my effort. My mouth opened, my face got all screwed up. I felt it welling in my chest before I let out a horrific growl. “GUUUUNNNHHHHH~!” Bellowed deep from my lungs. I hated the way I sounded. My nasally, throaty moans that sounded like desperate gasps for air, but the sounds gave me more energy, allowing the baby to grow through my slit.

Little pushes while the head continued to stretch me out.. “Mmmphhh… Ooooh!” With clenched eyes and grit teeth I lifted my leg and pushed into my chest. With a wet pop the head came free and I was allows to rest my aching leg.

The baby spread my lips open at such an odd angle I couldn’t help myself. I reached between my legs, groping underneath the robe to feel at the baby’s face. I could feel the head begin to turn, its shoulders shifting within me and stretching my opening in different angles. “Mnnnhhhaaaaa~”  I squirmed as its weight settled into my g-spot. 

Great, now I was horny…

The baby’s dangling head made it hard to maneuver as I got to my hands and knees. Though the baby liked it, it was such a tease as the born head brushed against my clit. The robe between my legs peeled from me as the head began to emerge from between my legs. Drenched in amniotic fluids it weighed on the head like a wet blanket. It had to go. 

Huffing, I peeled the soaking fabric away from the head and over my butt. With a little bit of time to spare I moved around. With more force the body spread me open further, pulling the fabric away from me. Curiously, I looked up to the window at Jenny and Isa. 

He took a long swallow, gripping onto the table in front of him. He was looking. My birth canal was opening. I lifted up my thighs to splay out the head within. Against my self respect I was putting on a show while I brought life into this world. 

I wanted him to stare.

I couldn’t help moaning in his direction as the last contraction took hold of my body. With every breath I took I could feel the shoulders inside practically begging to follow behind the exit of the head. I bit my lip, arched my back, and rolled my body back and forth thinking about throwing myself back against the large insertion, spreading me open as I birthed the body into the world.

“Mnnnhaaaa!” I gasped with my mouth wide open. I could feel the saliva in my mouth, my tongue hung free as the eldest continued to edge me to sweet bliss. I wanted to touch my clit, god, just one touch, just a breeze would send me over the edge. 

“GUUUUUUOOOOONNNGGGGHHHHH!!!” The ejection of the infant's shoulders pressed my button.

I cape as the blockage cleared up from me as the rest of the infant's body. I laid with my face down and my ass up in a state of euphoria as I delivered the rest of its chubby body, deflating my pregnant midsection slightly. From the corner of my eyes I saw him finally take a breath. Jenny entered first

The first umbilical cord snipped. Long, rubbery tether that I dragged between my legs.
Jenny reached in with gloved hands, with a toweled scale next to me. “9 pounds, 4 ounces. What a whopper!”

I blushed, Jenny's little comments were welcome between the two of us, but I couldn't help feel a little shy about anything concerning weight in front of Isa. 

My slightly deflated belly felt a little more empty, and as triplets became twins in my womb and my skin relaxed. They revealed the dark, jagged lines underneath my belly. Proof that, even in my relative youth, I was a veteran child bearer. As the endorphins began to wear off the blues set in, it felt like I was one baby short…

“That was amazing!” Isa praised as he entered behind Jenny. My heart skipped a beat at the positive affirmation. “I'm just so used to how it's presented in Hollywood with screaming and the drama. But, Erika, look at you!” 

“Oho, believe me, giving birth is hard. She just makes it look easy. It’s like she was made to do this.” 

I cocked my head back, “What is that supposed to mean?” I retaliated. She had been hostile since I entered the room. 

She pushed up her glasses. "I’m saying you’re incredibly fertile.” I wanted to get mad at her for stating the obvious, but her comment halted Isa. It was as if he was entirely blindsided by the idea who got pregnant and gave birth as a career was generally fertile.

“Is she now?”

I had to cover my mouth as soon as I caught what Jenny was trying to do.

“Oh yeah,” She shrugged. “I'm surprised that she doesn't get pregnant every time a guy looks at her. If she wasn't given fertilized eggs, who knows what she could conceive. Quads? Quints? I’m sure she’d make a family man really happy.” His lips were sealed. On one hand, it was evil of her to weaponize jealousy like that. On the other hand… Isa was really cute when he was sulking. 

“That’s so embarrassing when you say it like that!” I cried while fanning my face. Isa was halted with the same shade he had at the red light. My eyes didn’t deceive me, he was blushing!

Before I could make my own moves. With a moan I felt more water flush deep within me, more splashing between my legs while the next baby spread my cervix slightly. I groaned in frustration. This could have been a total mood killer. 

Isa knelt down to my side when he saw me wince. “Woah, Hey, is there anything I can do to help?” Jenny pointed her head at him and tugged at her jacket. “Gown” she mouthed. “Strip”

“U-uh, yeah. I’m getting really hot. I should’ve listened to you when you told me I should’ve been nude.” 

“Of course!” He replied enthusiastically He looked at me and my flushed cheeks with my big pregnant body. I couldn’t even make eye contact with him as he approached me from behind. He was so sure with his movements. The same tender, careful fingers that zipped my jacket pulled the thin drawstrings from behind my back and followed the gown down my back. The feeling of the fabric pulling away from my body made this more intimate than any lingerie that I could dream of. 

I stalled to enjoy this feeling. I knew that even with this perfect lob that Jenny threw my way, I was sure the true nature of my pregnancy would dissuade him. It always did.

I turned to face him, revealing the harsh reality of my body. I followed his eyes as they widened looking to the most obvious area, my midsection. My big belly that jutted out from me, still carrying twins. The absence of the triplet revealed a natural pooch that took up the area, exposing all of the weight I continued to gain from back to back pregnancies. The round of my stomach, perfectly spherical against all odds in nature housed the two unborn children inside that stirred feeling the open air against my skin. All sandwiched between my exceptionally wide, chubby hips that emphasized themselves in my pear shaped physique, my greatest insecurity. To preserve any sort of reputation of Isa’s perception of my body I covered my bare tits, unable to imagine his disgust if he saw liquid seeping from the faucet of my nipples.

If there was a maternal glow, I wish it existed for women like me.

His eyes scanned my body, like my added mass took longer for him to process. As if he mouthed the word ‘wow’. I looked away, expecting the worst. “You look amazing!” My heart skipped a beat. I looked up to find the calm, cool, composed man beaming directly towards my body. Silence grew between us. This was the first time he had ever seen me naked, and it felt like we had skipped a few steps getting here. 

“Skin to skin is better, y'know? Good oxytocin and dopamine.” Jenny shrugged her shoulders “Doctor's suggestion! As long as mom's happy, of course.” 

“If-If you want to!” I said, facing him. He nodded before he spoke. “I mean, hell yeah! If it’s gonna help you out.” 

I faced away from him, hearing many pairs of zippers come off and plop heavily to the floor. He was taking off a lot of layers.

Baby B was a little more sensible. From ultrasounds since my 30th week B insisted on growing on the backside of my uterus. As these babies bulked up in my third trimester her head grew directly into my tailbone. The contractions caused by this middle sibling could stop my legs entirely. “Um, you can… Sit behind me.” I instructed, parting my legs away from him. 

An audible “Eek!” escaped my mouth. My bare back came in full contact with his chest and abdomen. Every ridge of his bare chest, the ridges of his muscles. It took me a second to feel his warmth radiating against my body. I gasped, reaching behind myself and came in contact with his bare, strong quads. 

His skin! Oh my god oh my god his skin!

How could I possibly focus on birthing a baby with Isa's naked body against mine?

His body was a brick wall that I could lean my entire weight into. He's muscular, but soft. His firm, unyielding body gave me the perfect home base to squirm my way through the next contraction. I made sure not a sound escaped my lips.

“You’re doing it…” his voice was so little. If it could reassure him, why shouldn't I let my voice out?


And as I relaxed my upper lips, my lower lips relaxed with them. With gravity and my open hips I gasped as the head progressed away from my spine. I was so upright with his support, and with my legs spread so wide apart it was like the baby was begging to fly out of me. If I let myself give in and relax I wasn’t sure exactly what types of noises would come spilling out of me. 

“Nonono, don’t hold back.”

My heels anchored themselves into the ground, meeting all of the pressure that was quickly mounting in my hips. Isa was making this baby come fast! Before I knew it, my head snapped back into his shoulder as I bore down

“A-AAAAAAANNNHHHHH!!!!” I wasn’t done, my hips elevated, I grinded my heavy body into his for all of his support as I felt the head stretch out my opening. “OUUUUUNNNNGGHHHHHHH!!!!” I grabbed onto his big shoulders 

Between contractions he felt my body settle into his big, protective arms. I flinched as he rested his chin onto my shoulder.

“W-what does it feel like?” I could swoon at the sound of his stutter. “Do you wanna feel?” I asked, turning around to him. With a swallow, he nodded, and I took his large hands and placed his palms right under my belly button as the next contraction began.

His firm hands cupped my skin, firmly, but tenderly. His fingers provided the right amount of pressure to soothe my sore uterus and to make contact with Baby B. Light groans filled the room as he stroked my belly. It took a second to realize that the sounds were coming from me.

“It’s so much harder than before.” He commented with a light chuckle. 

“Yeah… Those are contractions.” I moaned as my body gyrated in his arms. Why didn’t anybody tell me that birthing with a partner could feel so good? “Ooh… I need to push.” 

I lifted my hips against his body as he held me from the powerful hooks he called arms that sat underneath my armpits.Overwhelmed by all of these new emotions as the widest section of baby B began to spread me apart. He shifted his hands in order for me to have a better grip. His fingers held onto the heft accumulated onto my hips. I finally understood why they were called love handles. 

“Gnnnnhhhh-unnnnhh!”My colostrum continued to drip down my belly. I turned around to see him staring at my breasts. God, he drove me wild with the attention.

In my squat I dug my heels firmly into the soft mat of the ground. I closed my knees and separated my ankles, opening up my hips. The baby’s head barreled through me. Fluids gushed around the head. 

He stared between my legs, staring at the darkened areas that the waters splashed. “Was that…?”

“The head.” I nodded. “The shoulders… are broad…” I muttered, readying myself for one final push.

Through biting my lip my eyes rolled into the back of my head. The entire contents of my womb shifting downwards as gravity supported my numb legs. I could feel his fingers trace the outline of the baby as it slid down. The new sensation of stimulation from inside and outside of my uterus.

“Oh fuck…” He whimpered in his adorable little voice. “It’s coming…” In confirmation, not to me, but to him. Eclipsed by my belly, he couldn’t see, but I could feel it. “It’s coming.” I confirmed it to him softly. “It’s being… Anh… born…” I muttered, stroking his cheek. His member stiffened on my back, sinking into the plush flesh that accumulated in my constant pregnancies.

“Nggghhhh-!” I wished my eyes could roll further back, a little further and I could see his reaction as I brought another baby into the world. The best I could do was stroke his flushed cheek. His warm skin, hearing his rugged pants. They made me feel powerful. They made me feel…


In our hushed whispers we heard the sounds of my vagina being spread by this difficult middle child. “OUUUUGGGHHHH!” The baby slipped from me with a grotesque wetness as the second shoulder came free and slid enthusiastically between my legs, wailing on upon impact. 

Jenny similarly snipped the cord and weighed the child. “10 pounds, even.” She chuckled. “You’re making it look too easy.”

I tried to blink away the fireworks going off in my brain but they wouldn't go away. It felt spectacular to let my voice go like that. It felt even better to feel Isa's body against mine. As much as I tried, these post-birth hormones wouldn't go away!

Sensing that she might be disturbing something she whipped out the radio from her side. “Ah, an emergency pager. Phew, looks like a new hire is having some trouble. You know the deal, Erika, holler if you need anything!”Jenny took the second sibling with the first and disappeared briskly from the room.

The first time I had ever seen him flustered. Unshakable man that I caught feelings for. Reduced anxiety towards me giving life. Clad in nothing but his red plaid boxers I could only stare at the member that jutted from his loose underwear.

My mouth moved before my brain did. “Isa… are you-”

With blushed cheeks, he leaned over his erection, hiding it from me. “I'm so sorry!” He backpedaled, clamoring towards his jeans 

Ahh! I couldn't take it any longer. A second longer and I could lose my crush, and this fling, or situationship, or whatever it was would be lost forever!

“I love being pregnant!” answering the earlier question that he totally forgot about. He let down his clothing.

“I love giving birth, and I like you… I never thought I'd be able to share these feelings and sensations with anybody, let alone you! I want to enjoy giving birth to this baby with you. And I'm really, REALLY turned on, too!” My heart was beating out of my chest as the words left my mouth. But slowly, he opened his legs back up. If his boxers were anything to go by, he was huge. 

“I didn’t think I was gonna react like this, honest.” He muttered. I giggled at the outlandishness of the situation. I invited him to watch me give birth, and he said yes! Before I could get too excited the gripped my midsection again. “Ahh~” I stirred softly, rolling my hips. Every movement from the unborn child dilated my cervix just a little more. On my knees, I stroked my belly until the little kicks stopped. Beneath those boxers Isa was throbbing.

I made a bold proposal with a hand on my aching bump. “This baby’s coming really soon, so, um… Can I… See yours?”

He let out a chuckle with a wink. “Inside of the maternity ward, damn, we’re sick.” I watched him boldly remove his boxers from the middle of his thighs, his energetic cock sprung from the waistband. 

He waved under the length and girth of his cock, just strong enough to carry its own meatiness. He had the girth of a golf ball and the length effortlessly kiss my cervix with every thrust. I fantasized taking every ridge and vein of him deep into my womb and having him drown my ovaries.

My body moved on its own, ready to end its celibacy, but that entrance was a little occupied. “My body really did this to you?” I asked. He nodded. I wanted to give him something that he couldn't feel anywhere else. Between his legs I expressed my breasts, and with the lightest pinch of my nipples my milk jetted out. “S-shit.” He chuckled and released a heavy sigh as I left his cock warm and glistening. 

I opened my legs for him. Though my pussy was a little occupied, I still wanted to feel him on my body. I pressed him between my legs and against the bottom of my stomach. The button of his cock slid around my stomach lewdly in a coating of my breast milk. He let out a shaky groan when my hands pressed him deep into my contracting stomach.

I bit my lip and let my body feel every ache as it tightened around the baby. “Unnnhhhh~” Sounded from me as I continued my belly job. 

“Fuck… I can feel the baby coming down.” I felt him eagerly thrust against my bump, , I wondered if the baby could feel it from inside. 

The sound of flesh colliding with flesh sounded as I slapped his dripping head against my belly button. My boobs draped over my stomach. Even if there was a baby ramming its head down my cervix I could feel myself growing wetter and wetter knowing that he could feel every ridge from my contraction on the outside and that he liked it. 

“Oooohhhh yeah…” I groaned with another big push. I arched my back to meet the force of the third child inside of me, using my pregnant belly to get him off. His deep breaths and his erotic moans through his tight lips aroused me.

His hands circled around me, stroking and worshiping that huge orb that I smeared his precum against. He traveled to my wide sides and finally cupped my milky tits, His focused fingers flicking against my nips fired a squeeze from my uterus. “Unh fuck~!” I moaned with a deep breath my legs opened themselves wider for his presence as he thrusted into my firm tummy 

I probed with my fingers, feeling the window of the head grow wider. My legs were forced to spread with the head passing my pelvis. I knew he wouldn’t want to miss the show.

“I'm crowning!” I announced. My lips burned from the head and my tense body. Though the dirty descriptions that ushered a moan from his lips made the pain of this third, and largest child worth it.

With a swallow I felt him move back while continuing to stroke his cock. I couldn't imagine seeing the mess between my legs; this grapefruit sized sphere growing between my thighs sandwiched between the two umbilical cords of their siblings that dangled from me. But I watched as Isa worked his shaft up and down for me, his appreciation as dedicated as worship to my birthing form.

“Mmnnnff…” I pushed softly, letting the head move slowly. His breathing paced as he watched the head grow wider and wider stretching me apart.

“Erika… Erika…” my name left his mouth like a mantra filling my body with vigor. My name never sounded so beautiful. I pulled my thighs apart at the end of the contraction. In the name of sexy birthing, I suppose I could try to go against the limits of my body.

“Nggggaaa~” I strained. My tissues were ridgid now, my lips burned as I let myself feel the ring of fire straining me open. Finally, I indulged.

I let my fingers roll over my stretched out clit. I growled feeling all the trapped in pleasure I couldn't share with another person while my pussy pulsed with pleasure. “Mnnnnhhh…haaaa…haaannnhhhh.” I moaned around every little detail of the baby’s face. A hairline, eyebrows, a little nose. “Oh shit, Erika. It’s coming” The urgency in his voice almost made me finish early, making me remove my fingers to feel the widest curve of the head.

“Gooooouuuunnnnnnhh!” Isa didn’t take his eyes off of my body as the crown popped free from me, the head emerging from my pussy. 

He made me feel like his pregnant goddess. All of these sensations elevated by these hormones and my infatuation made the moment feel like a dream. It finally occurred to me, Isa was going to cum to my pregnant body. “Show me how this body makes you feel.” I let out a deep, nasally moan. I continued working between my legs against the bulging head covered in my fluids.

“Show me… Please… Show me… Show me…” My hands worked faster against my clit. His strokes went faster, his palm slapped against his hips while I fought for every centimeter the shoulders stretched me out. His manly groans got louder and closer together , his voice peaked while I could see his cock twitching in his hand. The pressure of one final push bottlenecked into my pussy as the rest of the baby was ready to be born. As I reached my climax my legs shot open

“GYYYUUUUNNNNHHH~!”I came as the shoulder dislodged from my opening, the pressure of the most intense orgasm of my life sending the infant practically flying out of me with a final explosion of amniotic fluid. 

“Mnnn… ANNH~!” A sharp moan escaped his clenched chest. Jets of his cum shot onto me, not a single sperm cell fell out of bounds of my body. A sticky, many musk that made my empty womb shutter. A glorious shot of cum that coated me from between my thighs to my forehead, all over my breeders belly, and, just a little bit into my mouth while I pushed the baby out of me.

I wiped the cum he shot onto my lips with my tongue and swirled his thick white seed into my mouth for him to see.

“I want your baby next…” I revealed, stroking my midsection, laden with stretch marks. My body was made to be filled and I wanted to feel every ounce of his passion, his attraction to my life-giving form.

Before he could reply, Jenny entered the room alongside a couple both dawned in black and white suits. They must’ve been the parents, eager to meet their third baby boy. We scrambled to clean ourselves up quickly. He was able to throw a sweatshirt and his jeans back on and wide his cum off of my body, though I wish it could've stayed.

“And there your little boy is. Not a moment late!” Jenny presented. She scooped up the last triplet. “10 pounds, 3 ounces. Biggest boy right here!” The wife put her hands over her mouth with tears in her eyes and looked to her husband who nodded with satisfaction. 

“How’d it go?” Jenny asked us. In the silence, Isa flashed me a smile. I nodded with the same enthusiasm. “Really, really good.” I answered.

Isa pushed my wheelchair while Jenny got us checked out. She pulled many prescriptions from the pharmacy inside of the building and gave Isa usual instructions I already heard many times. 

"Make sure she's taking all of them at the same time of the day. Postpartum depression can be a little intense, especially with triplets.” Jenny finished with him before looking at me.“And for you… they paid in check.” I opened up the envelope and my eyes immediately shot open.

$250,000 a quarter of a million dollars. I was staggered seeing the additional digit at the end of the check. Easily my biggest payout, I guess the money did come exponentially with multiples…

“Biggest payday I’ve seen at this place.” She smiled. “So, what's your plan? Wait 6 weeks to heal and hop back on the registry? You've gained a bit of a reputation, I'm sure somebody will want you to carry, asap.”

“Actually, I was thinking of going on vacation.” A cruise sounded nice. Her eyes softened towards me, glancing up to Isa’s eyes looking carefully down towards me.

“Good for you. Enjoy it!” As Isa turned my wheelchair around Jenny gave me a wink.

The trip to the main entrance of the practice was quiet. He did just see every dirty detail and secret of why I did this work. I cringed thinking about what I said, was it too sudden? While we waited for the valley I sensed his usual confidence return to him. The warmth of his presence bended down to my ear. 

“I look forward to it. Erika.” 
Liked by 15 members: mad_destroyer224 (Apr 11, 2024), dragomir1983 (Apr 4, 2024), Pregpuss (Mar 14, 2024), Thedeadsamurai (Mar 2, 2024), Blink182 (Feb 25, 2024), m.walters54 (Feb 19, 2024), twins1993 (Feb 19, 2024), push4u (Feb 19, 2024), qwerty789 (Feb 8, 2024), trmbnlvr (Feb 2, 2024), Daniblacklist (Jan 26, 2024), BroHarrison (Jan 24, 2024), omegleproc (Jan 24, 2024), bigboy23 (Jan 24, 2024), WhatAreThose21 (Jan 24, 2024)
Amazing story as usual, you're one of my favorite author. So glad to know you'll be posting your work more often, I'm definitely looking forward to reading more!
Liked by 1987 (Jan 24, 2024)
(January 24, 2024, 7:53 pm)WhatAreThose21 Amazing story as usual, you're one of my favorite author. So glad to know you'll be posting your work more often, I'm definitely looking forward to reading more!
Thank you so much! These little comments mean so much to me!
Very much looking forward to the next one! Great work mate!
Liked by 1987 (Feb 19, 2024)
very great! you know how to get the details right Smile
Liked by Pregnantlover411 (Apr 29, 2024), 1987 (Feb 19, 2024)

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