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Help- advices for someone who is wasting his money over addiction
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Hello everyone,

I wanted to discuss something that's been on my mind lately. I feel like I'm wasting money online trying to find videos that match my preferences, primarily focused on watching pregnant stuff or women squeeze colostrum drops while being pregnant.

I've watched and accumulated so many videos about preggo content that I can't seem to find anything new. I end up paying for video requests with people I see on Reddit or OnlyFans, and in the end, I feel like I'm being taken advantage of by these individuals. I've lost track of the amount of money I've spent being deceived. (Sending like 60-90usd money to women?, then no answer scam...) 

I think it's because I'm young and have never had a paycheck before, so I don't know how to manage my budget. It frustrates me so much, and I don't know what to do or who to talk to about it because no one in my circle knows about this aspect of my life.

Just yesterday, I was chatting with a pregnant person on OnlyFans, and after asking if they accepted requests on Reddit, we moved on OF and she said she couldn't because she weren't producing colostrum (which seemed odd to me at 37weeks). I know it will sound dumb, but i felt compelled to tip her money so I wouldn't feel like I wasted her time; that seem dumb, but its just one example in many. 

I've thought about solutions like:
- Using Recurbate, where I can pay to watch content, but there are only like 2-3 good-looking models per year, and I feel like I'm wasting too much for too little.
- Asking people on Chaturbate to fulfill my requests, but I'm afraid of being taken advantage of again, or not having a way to record my phone screen...

So i dont know what to do. Heal my addiction, frustrated, wasting money problems... Or just find a

Sorry for the long thread, hope some bro can help me .

Thank you.
First things first: stop throwing money at people online. Cancel any and all OF or similar subs, stop ordering customs, stop buying content. Recurbate and Chaturbate are not solutions to this problem, they are just different venues for the problem to manifest itself. People with a gambling addiction don't get better results just by going to another casino.

Beyond that, you might want to consider dropping porn in general. It can be a terrible influence if you are not good at setting boundaries (how much money you spend, how much time you spend, what kinds of content you consume). If you don't know how to do that then you should definitely get some professional help, both counseling and financial advice.
Liked by Pregfa1795 (May 1, 2024), bigboy23 (May 1, 2024), Noenzero (Apr 30, 2024), Ran (Apr 30, 2024), nunya2013 (Apr 30, 2024), STeveIT (Apr 30, 2024)
I think I needed to hear that. Thank you so much, doubleintegral (great name, by the way).

It's the right thing to do. I'm not sure if I can manage it, though. My pregnant/porn addiction started 12 years ago, right when puberty hit. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
Liked by Pregfa1795 (May 1, 2024)
At the very least I would do a porn detox so the amount of stimulus needed for that dopamine fix is lessened.
Liked by STeveIT (Apr 30, 2024)
Porn detox ? I will check how does that work or how to not fall into it again.

I think one of the most important things for anyone struggling with addiction (And many people on this site in general) to hear is this:

You are more than the addiction. There is more to your life than this. You are not a bad person for having or feeding an addiction, and you are not a bad person for trying to give it up, whether you succeed first try or whether you slip up and have to try multiple times. It's not a bad thing to try and be better; it's only bad to give up on that. You showed a lot of strength putting this out there, and you should be proud of yourself for that.

There are general resources available for addiction that can be useful, even when it isn't specifically for an addiction like this. I don't like the fact that many lean toward a religious standpoint, but if that's useful to you then all the more reason to use it. If it isn't, there are still non-religious methods thrown in that can help with several different addictions.

If you have access to a mental health professional, that can help for some, although it's understandably very very difficult to talk about stuff like this even with a licensed medical professional who legally cannot repeat what you have confided outside of legal or self-harm reasons.

Honestly, before I step off my soap box, just know that you deserve to like yourself, and you can beat this if you don't give up no matter how hard it gets or if you slip while trying. Take care, OP.
Liked by STeveIT (May 1, 2024), doubleintegral (Apr 30, 2024)
If this is really an addiction for you, (and I’m not qualified to diagnose whether or not it is,) then you need professional help. You need to stop spending money that you don’t have on content you can’t afford, and you may do well to try to cut back on your porn consumption in general.

Now, if this is not an addiction, but just a vice that you’ve identified yourself as taking to too much of an extreme, hence why you’re feeling guilty about it, then there are a few things that you can do right away to improve your behavior and your relationship with porn/your porn consumption habits. First things first: Stop giving random people free money because you feel bad for them. They didn’t do anything for you, if they want to sell content, part of the job is talking to people who are going to say “no,” and they don’t need or deserve a tip just for talking, which is basically doing the bare minimum of the work required for taking on any commissioned work.

Second, delete the words “Reddit,” and “OnlyFans” from your vocabulary—those sites are the home of irreputable content creators, or rather content non-creators (A.K.A. Scammers,) who don’t think twice about taking your money and never following through. Reddit is worse as it’s not set up for e-commerce to begin with, but OF is almost equally crappy because despite being a commerce platform, it offers no way to mitigate losses incurred by scammers, other than to contact your credit card company and file a chargeback against OF itself. The problem with this is that because the chargeback is against OF and not the scammer, upon doing so your card is barred from further use on OF, so your basically taking a metaphorical punch in the nuts twice, first from the scammer, and again from trying to get your money back. If you’re going to purchase content, at least do so from a platform that will refund you if you wind up with a creator who doesn’t deliver on the agreed upon content. While I’m unaware of any sites for custom material that just refund your money, there are some that will refund site credit to you that you can then take to other, reliable creators so at least you don’t lose your money completely, and aren’t just having $60-90 fly out of your pocket for nothing in return. (This may not be suitable for your personal situation though, but I’m including it in case it is.) Likewise if you are going to buy content, try to limit it to no more than once a month, or ideally once every three months. If it’s good (and you’re plunking down $60-90 for it custom, it had better be,) you should be able to enjoy it for at least a quarter of a year. Likewise, if you have a collection that’s as big as you claim it is, to the point where you can’t find new content, just go back and watch some of what’s in your collection again that you haven’t seen in awhile. Got anything from a few years ago? Pull that up instead of buying new content—you probably forgot what happened in half of the scenes you’ve saved, and watching them again after a few months and especially after a few years can be like watching something new without the expense attached. I literally looked at porn I’ve had for over a decade today that I probably hadn’t seen in at least five years and maybe even longer, and it was just like watching a new video without the expense associated with new content.

Finally, I can’t tell you if you have an addiction, or just bad habits, but you should consider speaking to someone who can make that determination for you. If it’s an addiction, know that it doesn’t define you. If it’s just bad habits, know that you can change them, and even something as simple as having an actual “porn budget” can make a huge difference.
Liked by STeveIT (May 1, 2024)
Im speechless. Thank you so much, everyone. I don't know how to thank you, your help means a lot to me. I will do my best!
I think a better option actually is to satiate your craving either with an escort or a sex doll. What you need to do in my experience is get it out of your system so once in a while I pay up for an escort. I've had some disappointing experiences for sure but I have also had some nice times.

Even this is getting increasingly expensive so I am now thinking of going the sex doll route. Sure it's £1200 in one hit but then you can bang a preggo girl every night of the week for years if you want...

Seems good value to me actually!

Liked by STeveIT (May 1, 2024)
I appreciate your suggestion, but Im afraid about meeting strangers in reality. It could potentially lead to unfavorable outcomes for me ?

As for the doll, while it might be an option, I still live with my parents, and if I ever decide to pursue a relationship, I'd have to throw it away... Thanks for sharing your experiences

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