Preggo at the Party
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My high school friend, Derrick, is a member of a frat, and has been trying to get me to attend a fraternity or sorority party with him for close to two years now. I’d planned to start studying for finals tonight, but I can’t seem to manage to start. It’s 1:45 AM, I can’t sleep, and I’m bored as hell alone in my studio apartment: just about the only conditions under which I’d consider one of Derrick’s parties. I text him about the sorority kegger he’d told me about a few days ago, wondering if he was still up and raging. He certainly was, and thrilled that I’d finally accepted one of his invitations.

I grab an Uber and head over, getting to the sorority right around 2. I text Derrick when I get there, not wanting to walk in alone. He comes out, gives me a huge, sloppily-drunk hug, and leads me in. I’m pressured instantly, both by Derrick and by a host of other partygoers I’ve never seen before, to catch up to them drinking-wise. By this time of night and how long they’ve been at it, that’s pretty much impossible, but I decide to binge a bit for the pure irresponsible fun of it. Twenty minutes in, I’m at three shots of 151 and two keg-stands. I can barely stand, things starting to spin nauseously around me: I haven’t imbibed like this in well over a year, and maybe never in my life as quickly as this. I stumble outside, puking two steps into their backyard.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” I hear from behind me. Feeling a great deal better with most of the liquor outside of my body again, I’m able to lift my head and turn to see a young lady approaching from a lawn chair a few yards to my right. She’s got dark brown hair to her shoulders, wearing a sorority sweatshirt and tight jeggings. I can immediately tell that her hands in her sweatshirt pockets are pulling outward, trying to hide her condition. I’ve got a keen eye for such things, though, and clock her as pregnant in about two seconds.

“You’re pregnant!” I exclaim, definitely less inebriated now but tongue apparently still significantly loosened. I might just get out of the way right now that that “keen eye” I mentioned for spotting pregnancies is just one facet of my deep and passionate pregnant fetish. As soon as I make the declaration, I’m alerted to the danger of such predilections coming to light, which would certainly make this poor girl uncomfortable/disgusted/horrified/etc. I can harmlessly exercise my general (even non-sexual!) fascination with pregnancy by having a nice polite conversation with this person, but I will be doing my damnedest not to make things weird for her. I think I’m at least sober enough for that.

She laughs nervously, face reddened, removing her hands from her pockets to place them directly atop her protruding midsection. “You got me!” she says quietly. “You are okay, though?”

I nod, blushing in turn. “I’m okay…I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to blurt that out, I don’t mean to be nosy or anything.” I pop a piece of gum as she comes closer. “What are you doing out here? I had to puke, you may have noticed. I’m Mark, by the way.”

“Jenny.” She smiles (very pretty!) and laughs. “Yes, you made your intentions out here very clear. As for me, my sorority sisters finally got me out of my room for a party for the first time since I started showing. I couldn’t handle the smell in there, though: I was about to puke myself. Too loud even with my door closed to get any sleep, so I decided to get some quiet, fresh air out here. Aaaaaaand you came and puked in my yard.” She laughs softly, as do I.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Is there a hose around or something?” She shakes her head. “Well, we can at least move away from it.” I gesture toward the lawn chairs she was enjoying before I intruded. “Can we sit down?”

She puts her hands on her hips, belly protruding even further, and groans under her breath. “Yeah, I could get off my feet again.” We sit next to each other, maybe two feet apart, angled perfectly to allow for eye contact but not require it. It’s about 60 degrees out, a nice, clear late-April night. “I’ve gotta say, I did not expect someone to choose the awkward pregnant girl over the party.”

I shake my head. “A lot of boring people in there. A seriously pregnant sorority girl in the backyard at 2:30 in the morning? Very interesting. No one’s been keeping you company out here?”

She frowns. “No, no. I kinda fade into the corner inside since I’m not in the middle of the partying, and I’m apparently pretty much forgotten out here. I might not normally be thrilled with my situation being referred to as ‘interesting,’ but I’ve got to say it’s significantly better than 99% of folks being so awkward around a pregnant college student that they won’t even make eye contact with me. And, as you so quickly discovered, I cannot hide my condition very well at this point. So…thank you for talking to me, I guess!” She looks down, but not before I see the tears welling in her eyes.

“People are very, very stupid. And you’re very, very brave. I cannot even imagine. Still in classes?” She looks up, tears still on her cheeks, and smiles as she nods. I return the smile. “So, how do you do it?”

She thinks for a few moments, looking into the distance. “Well, if you want to get to where I am, you first have to be willing to have sex irresponsibly. Which, last summer, I apparently was. I had the inciting sex with the father in this very house, too drunk to check whether he indeed put a condom on. So, yeah, he didn’t. The prick. I knew him from about a hundred parties, never exchanged a sober word with him, always found him pretty obnoxious besides the few minutes before we hooked up, apparently. I haven’t even told him I’m pregnant, and don’t intend for him to ever know. Better to go it alone than to force an asshole to stay in your life for 18 years, I’m thinking.”

I nod thoughtfully. “Tough calculation to have to consider.”

She nods heavily. “Yes. Yes it is. I have a decent job, though, and I’m lucky enough to have a bit of family money, so the financial aspect isn’t such a huge deal. Very, very privileged on that. And that my parents have been shockingly cool about all this. I’ll be staying with them after the semester ends, living with them for at least a few months once the baby comes. I’m about 7 months along now, will be about 8 for finals, then just a few weeks to prepare to give birth. And I’ll complete my senior year in some fashion as soon as I conceivably can.”

“It’s incredible that you’re finishing this year.”

“Yeah, I just couldn’t stand to fall too far behind. I fucked up and got knocked up, but I don’t want that to derail my life any more than it absolutely has to. This semester, though, while I’ve been showing more and more and less and less able to hide the pregnancy, I’ve been second-guessing my decision just a bit. I feel like a non-person no one will talk to at the same time as the object of everyone’s gossipy attention. It’s super shitty, not gonna lie. Wish I could feel excited for the baby rather than constantly humiliated, but what are you gonna do? I’ve always wanted to be a mother, I was hoping to be one in the next few years anyway, and having just one more year of school to get through as a mom isn’t so terrible. One semester, actually, if my advisor will sign-off on a few extra credits. So…yeah, it’s all roses and chocolate.”

I feel terrible for her struggles and in awe of her strength. “Goddamn. That sure is a lot. Let’s get out of here. The fountain in the south quad is only like a three minute walk from here, right? Shall we?” She smiles and nods as I stand to help her out of her chair. She takes my arm and we set off. Jenny and I are silent for the duration of our short walk: I imagine she is as taken with the stillness and quiet of the night as I am. We get to the pleasantly trickling fountain and take a seat on a park bench, no perceptible auditory or visual clue of another soul’s presence in the world. It’d be pretty damn lovely even without a preggo chick sitting two inches to my left.

Our comfortable silence is maintained for another five minutes or so before Jenny finally speaks. “Warm night, easily-overheated pregnant body,” she says quietly as she lifts her sweatshirt over her head. Underneath is a tight, black tank top that shows off impressive cleavage and clings beautifully to her substantial bump. She immediately hikes the tank up to just below her breasts, revealing an impressively smooth belly with just a hint of a developing outie belly button. It’s about the size of a volleyball at this point in her pregnancy, and her hands massaging slowly all over her protuberance are not making me want to touch it any less.

“The baby just seems to need to breathe every once in a while,” she says with a contented smile. Her hands move toward the top of the left side of her bump and she releases a soft “Ooooh.” She grabs my left hand and places it firmly on the spot. “The baby’s kicking, feel!” Her excitement is contagious, especially as it’s my first time feeling a baby move inside the womb. It feels like magic and a serious honor to have this experience firsthand. Any erotic fantasies I may be harboring disappear for the moment, and nature’s miracles overwhelm me. I keep touching Jenny’s belly for what must be an awkward amount of time for her, well after she’s stopped guiding my hand with hers. Eventually, she’s giggling.

“Sorry, Mark, I don’t mean to laugh at you. It’s just…you really like touching my bump, don’t you?” I feel my face redden. “No, no, don’t be embarrassed!” she protests quickly. “It’s sweet, honestly. It’s really nice to have someone excited about it. I think it’s exciting, too. Can’t keep my hands off the belly either.” She motions with both hands towards the rest of her bump. “Feel wherever you’d like; knock yourself out!”

Obviously, I don’t need to be told twice. Permission granted, my hands are off to the races, exploring every inch of her delightful midsection. It’s firmest where the baby’s hanging out, but surprisingly firm elsewhere as well. It’s smooth and free of any blemish, with just a faint linea nigra and her modest outie to indicate the pregnancy (beyond the obvious swollen bump, of course). I press in hesitantly all over the place, rub gently, fiddle with her belly button. She remains relaxed, her increasingly leaned-back posture pushing her belly further out and allowing me even better access.

I’m lost in reverie for her form and the privilege of touching a wonderful bump, an activity I’ve fantasized about innumerable times and is somehow even better than I could’ve hoped. I couldn’t tell you how much time goes by, but Jenny never stops me. She seems to be thoroughly enjoying the massage. Having rubbed her belly at length, I eventually look down and notice my erection straining against the crotch of my jeans. I have no clue how long I’ve been visibly hard, and embarrassedly pull my shirt down in an attempt to conceal it. Jenny notices the lapse in the massage and glances down from her blissfully distracted state, smiling as she instantly discerns what I’m trying to obscure.

“Ohhhhhh…you REALLY like rubbing my belly, don’t you, Mark?” My face is beet red once again. “I…I’m…I’m sorry, Jenny. I really didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable…I’m a little drunk still, I think.” She smirks knowingly, nods slowly. “You’re into pregnant girls, huh? This isn’t something you’re learning about yourself just now, is it?” I feel myself somehow get even redder in the face, and I’m resigned to my fate. “Uhhh…yeah. Yes, I like pregnant girls. I’m sorry, it’s attractive to me. I’ve never had this kind of quality time with such an incredible belly, and I got a little too into it. We can just ignore this, I’ll walk you home, I won’t be creepy…”

She interrupts my stumbling apologies and rationalizations. “It is hot, Mark.” Her right hand is on my thigh and her voice has gone seductively husky. The quad remains absolutely still, middle-of-the-night quiet. Not trying to get ahead of myself, but further (i.e., sexual…) fantasies might just be attainable in my current situation. Her left hand slowly and steadily rubs her bump as she continues. “What do you like about pregnancy, Mark? All the extra curves? That it’s kinda forbidden, taboo? The fact that it’s visible, tangible evidence that I like to fuck? The complete loss of control over my body that comes with it?”

I have to concentrate very, very intensely in order not to shoot in my pants. My dick is painfully cramped within the tight confines of my jeans’ crotch. Her right hand is creeping very slowly across my thigh towards my conspicuous bulge, her left hand down her smooth bump towards her crotch. “I like all the curves,” I finally manage to get out. She nods in agreement. “Me too, Mark. Me too.” One more look around to make sure we remain alone, and she decides it’s safe to get brazen. She’s at my zipper, it’s down, and her hand quickly finds its way into my boxers, grabbing my painfully hard cock. She takes it out, beginning to stroke very slowly. I wind my left arm below her right, finding my way down into her jeggings and discovering a thrilling lack of underwear and pubic hair. Her pussy’s soaking wet and very much ready for me.

We touch each other slowly and deliberately, a moan escaping from one or both of us every few seconds. Knowing I’m not going to last long at all and not wanting our climaxes to be too far from each other, I focus mainly on her clit, obviously swollen with maternal hormones and positively slick with vaginal fluids. Her back arches, belly visibly contracting as muscles all over her respond to my touch. It’s as much as I can take, and I feel my cock starting to spasm. She leans over, my hand still down her pants, taking me in her mouth as I cum. She’s managing to keep all but a tiny drop of my load in her mouth even through the loud moans that accompany her own orgasm.

I remove my hand from her pants and grip her right tit under her tank top once I finally feel her vaginal muscles relax, then I lean over to lick the single bead of cum from her bottom lip as I kiss her deeply. She lets every muscle in her body relax, head hanging off the back of the bench and legs spread straight out. My grip on her breast is strong enough to squeeze plentiful milk from her nipple, my palm instantly sticky and dripping with it. Removing my hand from her shirt, I rub the milk over her bump until it shines. I lean over and start licking the fluid off. She’s into it, apparently, as she shoves her left hand down her pants, right hand gently squeezing her left nipple. Enthusiastically rubbing as I lick, she’s cumming just as I’m finishing cleaning the milk from her bump. I can feel the contractions of her abdominal muscles with my tongue, a sensation I will not soon forget.

I’m hard again, my cock sticking straight out of my zipper. She stands, giving the quad another visual once-over. Still no one around, and her jeggings drop to the ground, followed in short order by her tank top. Completely naked now, she kneels on the bench facing backwards, wrists resting on the back and belly hanging down until it just brushes against the seat. This is obviously my cue, and I don’t need any more encouragement than this silent presentation. I stand, drop my own pants, and get my dick in her astoundingly slick pussy. I fuck hard and fast as she maneuvers her right hand below her belly to rub her clit once more. We cum simultaneously within about two minutes, her moans getting louder and louder until she’s just about screaming.

She crawls onto the grass once we’ve finished, laying completely nude on the cool surface, belly sticking up at least five inches higher than any other part of her. Dick tucked back into my jeans, I’m fully clothed. She doesn’t seem to mind being at a disadvantage clothing-wise, though, gesturing me over to her and pointing wordlessly at her belly as she breathes heavily in her triple-climaxed exhaustion. I massage her for another ten minutes, soft moans continuously escaping her lips. “Goddamn, Mark,” she whispers, the first actual words uttered by either of us in maybe 25 minutes. I help her to her feet and back into her clothes, and we sit back down on the bench, thighs touching, her head resting on my shoulder.

“Do you live alone, Mark?” she asks. “I do,” I reply. “Not for the next few weeks,” she tells me, not bothering to form it into a question. I’m again shocked at my luck as the reality of my situation settles in, and I require absolutely nothing in the way of convincing. “There’s no fucking way I’m going to pass my finals,” I mutter, half to myself. She laughs as she grabs my hand and places it firmly back onto her belly. “We’ll study during your refractory periods,” she says matter-of-factly, as if she’s already figured it all out. “Apart from that, you’re just gonna have to stay inside me until I pop. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.”

I have officially won the fucking lottery.
Liked by 34 members: DrCom (Oct 18, 2023), swagmoney (Jul 19, 2023), Thedeadsamurai (Feb 9, 2023), MLR44 (Jul 12, 2022), lonewastelander88 (Feb 4, 2022), carhart (Jan 23, 2022), Matt Ron (Jan 16, 2022), SamGonzo (Jan 9, 2022), (Dec 27, 2021), Flibertyjibet (Nov 27, 2021), jimmychooo (Nov 25, 2021), grimlock79 (Nov 21, 2021), Quinn777 (Jul 6, 2021), vestrumtobias (Jun 28, 2021), Nickrider (Jun 25, 2021), redteam182 (Jun 20, 2021), Baelthar (Jun 10, 2021), Bgman30 (Jun 9, 2021), pregluveraz (Jun 7, 2021), batman1432 (Jun 6, 2021), bigboy23 (Jun 4, 2021), palmtrees (Jun 4, 2021), Evevade (Jun 4, 2021), Twitchy (Jun 4, 2021), Joetheclone (Jun 4, 2021), ilcarpw (Jun 3, 2021), bellylover48 (Jun 3, 2021), awakenedhero (Jun 3, 2021), AnonymousBump (Jun 3, 2021), OliviaCohen (Jun 3, 2021), Ewri1972 (Jun 3, 2021), Mojo Jojo (Jun 3, 2021), jin1976 (Jun 3, 2021), rubenger (Jun 3, 2021)
Dude, great story!
Love, love, love this story! You should definitely make more!
Great story!!! Part 2?
Liked by houston3100 (Nov 20, 2021), Nickrider (Jun 25, 2021), ilcarpw (Jun 5, 2021)
AWESOME! need part 2! hope she gets sooo big, and starts wearing clothes that clearly dont fit her for all of school to see!
Liked by BellyLover575 (Aug 13, 2021), jokerpaso (Jun 6, 2021), ilcarpw (Jun 5, 2021)
Preggo at the Party, Pt. II: Creating a Home

It’s Mark here, back to detail some more expectant exploits. After our hook-up in the quad, Jenny did indeed move in with me, three days ago now. Just two days after our first night together, as a matter of fact: she was fairly desperate to get out of the sorority house, and I could hardly blame her. It was so noisy and crowded there, and she felt alienated from everyone else due to her pregnancy. She needed a more relaxed, affirming atmosphere, and I’m thrilled to be able to provide it.

So, through the semester’s final exams in a bit over a month, Jenny will be staying with me prior to going to stay with her parents in preparation for the birth. I’ll get to experience her pregnancy from about 7 1/2 months to 8 1/2 months; I am beyond delighted. Given the privacy we’ll have and the fact that she’s explicitly told me she wants my cock in her as much as humanly possible, I’m guessing we’ll have many more sexual exploits like our first dalliance in the quad.

Jenny likes to hang around the apartment fully nude, pretty much all the time. I can’t think of anything about which I’d be less likely to complain. It’s sort of the opposite of having felt stuck in her sorority house bedroom for the last 5 months or so, now showing herself off constantly rather than hiding herself constantly. She prefers I stay naked, too, partially to feel like we’re staying nude together, partially to make sure she knows when my dick’s ready for entry.

As she assured me on our first night together, she wants my dick in her pretty much constantly. I get my refractory periods as breaks between sessions of fucking. More often than not, she doesn’t really want to take advantage of the breaks: I use my hands, mouth, and/or toys (when nothing but penetration will do) to satisfy her needs in these situations.

Her Body

I hadn’t had too much of a chance to take in her pregnant glory during our largely dark first sexual encounter; her near-constant nakedness more than makes up for that. Jenny’s a petite young woman, 5’2” and thin all over, even when approaching month 8 of her pregnancy. She shows off the new “thickness” (her words) of her hips and ass with obvious pride, even happily pointing out the handful of stretch marks pocking her waist. I never would’ve guessed these parts of her body were pregnancy-assisted, as they still look so thin and delicate to me. Apparently, they’d been even thinner before. Her ankles and feet, though, are very clearly swollen, in puffily stark contrast to the rest of her slight features.

Her breasts have “doubled” during the pregnancy, another fact that surprises me. They're quite modest in size, even would be for a non-preggo. They have that perky, doesn't-require-a-bra look some smaller-chested ladies possess. Her nipples sort of curve and point upward, surprising to see in milk-producing breasts, usually heavier and starting to droop somewhat. She loves to squirt her milk all over the place, just for kicks. Her nipples, unlike her breasts as a whole, do look like they belong on a pregnant girl: they're puffy and a very dark shade of brown. 

Untended and unkempt like that of so many heavily pregnant folks, her pubic hair is a significantly lighter shade of brown than her other hair. It's pleasantly soft to the touch. Maybe I can help trim down there, really get intimate with that area, if she trusts me enough to let me help tend her cute bush? I’d be honored.

Jenny is very classically "all belly" in her maternal physique, at the moment looking as if she swallowed a basketball. She hardly registers as pregnant beyond the belly, and is definitely not evidently expecting from behind. The bump has a faint linea nigra running from top to bottom; we're both hoping it darkens more, as it's a really fun little preggo detail we both find sexy. Visible only from a very close perspective is a central line of light (nearly blonde), soft fuzzy hair, a little wider than the linea. Her navel is just starting to be an outie, registering to the touch as little more than a large pimple.

The skin of her bump is super soft, but it's extremely firm if you press into it even the slightest bit. It's a truly fascinating thing to explore. Different parts are firmer or softer below the surface, largely due to wherever the baby happens to be hanging out at the moment. I love tapping the baby-occupied spaces to feel the baby move in response. Patting the belly with my palm is fun, too, the soft slapping sound turning both of us on for whatever reason. Squeezing is fun, though it's hard to get much of a handful of her lean midsection. Massaging and rubbing are probably my favorite actions to perform on the bump: they feel respectful, deferential to the miracle of her baby bump. 

I love pushing in on the bump, testing the amount of give to it despite its divine firmness. Consistently, I chicken out in my exploration well before Jenny has any sort of complaint about possible discomfort. She'll then push much, much further into her belly than I ever would, clearly without a hint of pain or anything like it. I find this sexy as all hell; she's definitely noticed how much it turns me on when she manhandles herself, as she's used it to convince me to fuck her (on the exceedingly rare occasions I need any convincing) more than once now.


Once or twice daily, Jenny tells me it’s time to “tend to the bump.” She provides six or seven different products, and I apply each of them in turn. The ingredients of the various formulated-specially-for-pregnancy lotions/ointments/etc. tend to be in the arena of cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil, baby oil; things like that. The Burt’s Bees belly butter is her favorite, and always functions as the closer of the routine.

She’s very specific about the technique I use, as she doesn’t want me to miss a square inch of the flesh she wants moisturized. I massage firmly starting at her navel and tightly spiraling out, all the way to the sides of her waist; down to her pubic hair; and all the way up to completely cover her breasts, with special attention always paid to her engorged nipples. I love every fucking minute of this exquisitely-involved ritual.

After two days of this routine, I broach the subject of another moisturizer I might offer her before I start with the usual products. I’ve always fantasized about bumpjobs (rubbing my dick against a pregnant belly until I cum, FYI), especially about completing them by shooting my load onto the bump. I want my cum to be added to the regular rotation of belly moisturizers. She balks at my suggestion. “You want to rub your cock all over my baby bump then drip your gross sperm all over this miracle?!” She’s pissed; I’m instantly regretful. Then she smiles. “That’s hot as fuck, Mark. Let’s do this.” She genuinely got me.

As she’s already laying down awaiting moisturization, it’s easy enough for me to sidle up next to her, my crotch adjacent to her bump. I’m hard within a few seconds of her starting to play with my dick, anticipation of what’s to come driving me wild. She holds my erection down into herself as she strokes, her bump pushed in by the pressure she applies by at least a half inch. As turned-on as I’ve ever been, I shoot my load all over her belly within about 45 seconds. Exaggeratedly (but much to my appreciation), she moans as she rubs the pearls around, coating her entire midsection in shiny white stickiness.

A playful look crosses her eyes. “I think I can add one more thing to the mix, if you don’t mind,” she says, already aiming and squeezing her right breast. Milk shoots out and onto the already-messy bump. I start rubbing the milk in right away, her stickiness increasing exponentially. She rubs her clit as I do so, grabbing a bit of the sticky solution with her fingers periodically (not a great lubricant, but hot nonetheless). After cumming exceptionally loudly, she stands up and heads to the bathroom, translucent white mess dripping an arousingly disgusting path to the shower.


Jenny’s 8 months along now, and her belly has definitively dropped. It’s low enough to cover two-thirds of her mons pubis, and I absolutely love it. It’s heavier, wider, rounder, protrudes more: all-around fantastic progress over the past few weeks. The linea nigra has even darkened considerably, just as we’d hoped. I can’t keep my hands off her (or dick out of her), but there are still these dang finals to study for, and neither of us can afford to fuck up on our tests…

She had an idea for a system we could use. If she rode me cowgirl-style, we could conceivably both have our hands free to hold study materials. We could quiz each other mid-coitus. “But all that bouncing won’t help anything…” she mumbles mid-explanation, clearly still working some of the details out in her head. “Oh!” she exclaims after a few moments: “Viagra!” We order some cheap knock-off Viagra online (after safety research, of course) and, out of sheer impatience, pay the outrageous overnight shipping fee. It arrives, and she hands me a pill and a glass of water after furiously tearing open the packaging. I pop and drink obligingly.

In 15 minutes and with no external stimulation, I’m almost painfully erect. We’re both naked already, so she knows when the time’s come and gestures toward the bed with her head. I lay down, cock sticking up at the straightest possible angle. Heaving her heavy self up with an audible groan, Jenny mounts my rock-hard dick slowly, her hands lifting her belly out of the way as she maneuvers herself downwards. I’m fully ensconced in her beautifully wet and tight pussy, and she’s sitting motionless on my crotch, bump now released and resting on my lower abdomen.

She grabs my study materials to test me, and vice versa. With her limiting her movements to a few centimeters back and forth every minute or so, she’s able to keep my hard cock inside her for 40 minutes on our first try. She comes four times in this period: once every 10 minutes or so will become standard for her. We continue this practice three or four times a day as our exams approach. Two days in, I’m lasting 90 minutes, then exploding with the most powerful orgasms I’ve had in my life. Studying has never been this fun. She gets all A’s; I get 4 A’s and a C (not even preggo sex was able to increase my interest in Microeconomics).

The day after we receive our passing grades we fuck hard and fast, nudely spooning afterward with my arms cradling Jenny’s belly. “What’s the thing you most love about preggos?” she asks me coquettishly, her voice a bit more breezy than the substantial question at hand might call for. I think for a minute or so before I answer. “If I have to boil it down to one uniting concept, it’s probably the loss of bodily control.” She whips her head around to stare at me with a horrified look on her face. “Really?!?! You get off the most from watching me struggle?!” I shake my head and kiss her on the cheek before starting my response.

“No, sweetie, it’s really not like that. A little like that, I guess; but not as bad as it sounds. I mean, all of your body’s growing and swelling and such is out of your hands, right? Your body’s just doing it’s thing, it’s a natural process you don’t consciously control. It all basically flows from that idea, I think. The growth is hot, even when it gets so extreme that your belly knocks things over, you can’t stand up on your own, you waddle everywhere. And this lack of control brings all the exhaustion, aches, GI issues, constant peeing.

“So, yeah, those become a little attractive in the grand scheme, too. Your energy is stolen from you, the calories you personally take in through your mouth and throat go to building a new person that hijacks your body and grows within you before exiting your body when it damn well pleases. I don’t know, it’s all just part of the same out-of-control hotness. If the bump is sexy, at some level it kind of makes your swollen, achy ankles sexy, too. You fuck once and nature’s greatest miracle completely takes the wheel for 9 damn months. Am I totally nuts?”

She’s been looking away from me this whole time, and she rejects the eye contact I try to establish now that I’ve finished my monologue and sat up. Finally, she turns around and meets my gaze. “Wow,” she says after several silent moments. “Just…so fucking hot, Mark. So fucking hot. I know you weren’t talking long enough to get hard again yet, but…I may just keep your cock in my mouth so I know the moment I can use it again. You’re free to touch my cumbersome, exhausted pregnant ass to your perverted heart’s content.” I can’t get enough of this woman.

Jenny decides to stay with me at the apartment for another two weeks, cutting her prep time with her parents before the baby comes in half. We just really need a little bit more time together. It’s all bittersweet, now, knowing how soon our little nude preggo dream will end.

The Quad, Redux

Jenny’s 8.5 months pregnant, and it’s an amazing condition to see her in. The bump drops ever further, the power of gravity grasping my imagination substantially more sexually than it ever had before. Resting just an inch or so above the top of her vulva, the belly pretty much eclipses her unkempt pubic forest nowadays. Not wanting to miss out on any part of her anatomy, I frequently lift the bump out of the way to get a glimpse of that curly, light brown hair (made more voluminous by pregnancy…or so she says, as she continues to leave it completely untended).

As it stretches out in every direction, the bump now goes high enough to knock her modest (though less and less modest these days…) breasts to either side as they rest several inches down her belly. They’re heavier these days, filling increasingly with milk. Continuing to inflate everywhere, she’s pleasantly plump where, even at our initial meeting mere weeks ago, she’d still been petite and slight (besides the whole “engorged pregnant belly” aspect that she’d already been rocking pretty hard). I don’t think she retains the “all-belly” moniker I’d have applied to her even two weeks ago; it’s all just spectacularly curvy and sexy.

She’s rounder and rounder and sticks out further and further, of course. With the amount of physical examination of Jenny I indulge in, I truly can see the daily progress of her pregnancy, and it is truly magnificent. I feel privileged to bask in her nude glory through so much of her maternal majesty, not to mention all the things she likes me to do to her beyond passively basking in her glow. Penis-in-vagina intercourse has become more and more challenging given the maternal bulge, but I’ve become quite adept at eating her out while I hold the belly over my head with both hands. And as long as I can cum onto her glorious midsection, she needs to do little else to keep me giddily satisfied.

On one of our last nights together before she moves out, we decide to put on clothes for once and revisit the area of the quad at which we had our first sexy dalliance. “Full circle, I guess,” Jenny says of the plan, more than a hint of melancholy evident in her voice. She puts on a spaghetti-strapped black tank top from early in her maternity shopping, which stretches down only to an inch above her popped navel. Her lime green exercise skirt extends just an inch or two below her hanging belly, hugging her enhanced ass cheeks most alluringly in back. Black-and-white striped flip-flops round out the three articles of clothing she’s willing to don for our outing (no underwear whatsoever, of course). We’re not planning on running into anyone, obviously, but if we were I’d be pretty damned convinced of her preggo exhibitionist leanings. No judgement: I’d flaunt it if I had it, too.

It’s a Sunday night and we arrive there at 1:30 in the morning (okay, a Monday morning, technically); it is every bit as silent, just as devoid of others as it had been the night we started this amazing relationship of ours. We sit on the same bench we did last time, her tank top hiking up 4 inches north of her belly button and skirt concealed entirely by the bump resting on her lap halfway to her knees: she’s so very modest in her delicate condition. She takes my hand and places it squarely on the firm top of the bump, right where the baby is located within her. I love that. She rubs both sides of the belly with her hands, groaning softly with the delights of touch on her tautly-stretched skin.

“Oh, Mark,” she begins. “It’s only been 6 damn weeks since we met!?!? How is that even possible?! It feels like it was last night and 5 years ago all at once. It’s probably been the best month and a half of my life, in all honesty. So great being with you. I’m just…I’m so, so grateful to you, Mark. Thank you. For everything. I feel like you saved me. From my oppressive room at the sorority, from embarrassment and shame, from my low self-esteem. And you shared your home with me so generously. You’re a really great person, Mark. I just want you to know that. Do you know that?”

Blushing, I nod my head hesitantly. “Sure, I know it.” It’s easier to give in to her excessive compliments than it is to fight her, I’ve learned, uncomfortable though it all still makes me. “I…well…I love you, Jenny, to put it concisely and bluntly. I really love you.” She’s beaming. “I love you, too, Mark. A lot.” A heavy pause ensues. “Now, mushy shit aside, I’m going to sit forward a bit on this bench, spread my legs, and get eaten out vigorously by you, my love.” Her crotch flush with the edge of the seat and short skirt lacking underwear beneath it, kneeling in front of her to eat her out is easy. And her swollen, sensitive pussy makes it no problem at all to bring her to climax three times in under five minutes. Penetrative sex may be difficult at this point in the pregnancy, but the oral is picking up the slack quite satisfactorily.

I finish and sit to her right again, my left hand joining her hands on the taut bump, still rising and falling heavily in her post-climax breathing. The quad is as silent as it was 6 weeks ago, a look around confirming just how alone we are there. She rests her head on my shoulder, her speech slow and near-slurred in the opiate-like afterglow of multiple orgasms. “I know it’s difficult, but this may be our last opportunity, so…can we fuck, please? Penis in vagina? Can we just get naked and do it on the grass?” I nod enthusiastically, already undoing my pants as she rips her tank top off.

I’m on my back on the grass, my cock hardening in Jenny’s mouth. Once I’m fully erect she heaves her massive belly up with both arms, carefully lowers herself onto the cock, and lets the bump fall. It currently protrudes so far that her outie is resting halfway between my nipples and chin. An amazing sight to behold, and easily the thing I like to touch most in the entire world. She barely has to bounce at all, bringing me to shoot inside her within 90 seconds, tops. She gets off riding me quickly before I go completely flaccid, then carefully dismounts and lays on her back next to me as she lazily plays with the cum dripping out of her. We spend several minutes laying there nude, heavily breathing in the pleasantly cool night air.

She’ll be leaving for her parents’ place in two days. This was a pretty great sexual sendoff, I think. Regardless, I’m quite sad considering her imminent departure.

The Future

It’s the evening before Jenny’s moving out. We’re both fully clothed, which is, as you know, very out of character for us. Jenny is packing her things up and I’m pretending to be busy on my laptop. I’m fucking miserable, and I think I’m reading similar vibes coming from her. I can’t stand it and finally feel compelled to break the apartment’s heavy silence.

“This is terrible, Jenny.” She stops packing and turns to me, heavily plopping her preggo form on the bed to give me her full attention. “Last night we said ‘I love you’ to each other, and now you’re leaving my life? I can’t deal with this coming to an end. It’s just not okay. I still have another year of school and didn’t expect to be a father at this moment, but…I really think we can make things work, sweetie. I mean, it’d be easy for us to get a two-bedroom if we pool our resources. You can stay at home with the baby while I work and finish school, right? Then I can take care of the baby while you finish school and work. It’ll be hard, but we can be together. Let’s keep this party going, Jen.”

Her face doesn’t betray any particular emotion, but tears are streaming down her face. “You want to be the baby’s father?” I nod emphatically. She starts sobbing, reaching her arms out for me to come and embrace her. I do just that, and in short order she’s unpacked her stuff and called her parents to tell them not to expect her. The next day, we look for apartments to move to instead of moving my girlfriend out of my life. Things might be challenging for a while, but I could not be happier.
Liked by 11 members: Matt Ron (Jan 16, 2022), Baelthar (Nov 26, 2021), palmtrees (Nov 25, 2021), lonewastelander88 (Nov 24, 2021), rubenger (Nov 22, 2021), grimlock79 (Nov 21, 2021), bigboy23 (Nov 19, 2021), Ewri1972 (Nov 19, 2021), MLR44 (Nov 19, 2021), AnonymousBump (Nov 19, 2021), 138 (Nov 19, 2021)
Realistic stories are the best, good stuff!! Im looking forward to more of your work!
Liked by Ewri1972 (Nov 24, 2021)
(November 24, 2021, 2:26 am)jimbobjoe789 Realistic stories are the best, good stuff!! Im looking forward to more of your work!
Thanks so much! More to come...
Liked by jimbobjoe789 (Nov 24, 2021), Ewri1972 (Nov 24, 2021)

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